chapter 17

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In a month Xander and Demitri were sorta dating but there never actually confirmed they were dating but they flirted a bit and kissed every now and then but it was a little confusing for Xander. he didn't actually know if they were already dating or not, which made it more confusing.

they were in the middle of class when an announcement was made by the principal. "hello class of 20XX we will be having the seniors vote this week for the king and queen nomination" the principal said.

Xander smiled as he glanced Demitri. Demitri glanced back at him and whispered "don't you dare vote for me" He said as he leaned on his arm slightly.

Xander smiled and said "why not? " He asked. "There's a chance you will get it, and a chance you won't-' he shrugged softly with a smile.

Demitri huffed slightly and said " So? Vote for someone else-" He said to him quietly as he leaned back a little.
Xander smiled and shrugged slightly as he leaned back a bit with a hum. "I'll still try-" He said.

Sometime past and it was lunch time. Xander sat down at the table with food with his friends "hey guys, what's up? " Xander asked Julia and Jason.

Jason smiled and said "hey, and nothing really" He said with a shrug.

"Ugh hey-" She said as she laid her head down on the table.

"What's wrong? You seem... A bit off-" Xander said as demitri sat next to him and watched.

"Theres a girl that I met, at the park, she's super sweet and have been talking for awhile and I wanna invite her to prom, maybe, but I don't know if she will say yes-' she said as she put her head onto her hands before grabbing the fruits from Xander's plate and started to eat it.

" Well if that's the case just ask her out, if she likes girls, then I don't think there would be a problem where she wouldn't like you-" Xander smiled at her.

"Yeah but like still-" She huffed quietly. "Like what if she says no-"

"God dammit you've been talking about this for a week just go ask her, if she's single she will probably say yes" Jason said as he looked at her.

"But-" She started to say something before Jason cut her off "do it, you only live once and have to say fuck it-" He said.

Xander nodded a bit "exactly say fuck it and go do it-" He smiled at her.

"I'll think about it-" She said as she leaned back a little with a soft smile. He glanced at demitri before looking back at his two friends.

"Well apart from you guys, theses people are going to start asking people to prom and it's going to be hectic, but for one am going by my self. Third wheeling for whoever y'all brings-" He said with a small shrug as he looked at them.

Xander laughed a little and said "yeah-" He nodded a bit "well don't worry about it, you can come with us-" He said.

Demitri leaned forward and said "anyways I'll pick you all and your dates up, I Will rent a limousine-" He said with a small shrug.

They looked at him and said "well we can pitch in for it-" Jason said while Julia nodded slightly "yeah I don't mind-" She said.

Demitri shrugged and said "it fine I'll pay for it" He said as he leaned back a little. Demitri grabbed Xander hand under the table and held it softly. "So don't worry about it-' he shrugged.

The two looked at him and Julia said " Well if you need money we will help chip in-"

Demitri shrugged and said "still don't worry about it but I'll tell you if anything but I doubt it-" He said.

Xander smiled a bit and said "well do tell us if you need help with the money-" He said. Demitri looked at him and nodded softly.

Xander and his friends ate happily and started to talk about other things such as school work and class while eating.

later on in the day Xander and Demitri headed back home. "Hey um Demitri do you want to watch a movie with me?" He asked with a small smile

Demitri glanced at him and gave a small nod "yeah of course" he said as he got home and parked the car.

when the two got home, the two changed clothes and relaxed in the Livingroom.

they had started to cuddle and started to watch a movie. Xander leaned into Demitri's chest he also held onto his hand messing with it slightly as he watched the movie peacefully.

for the day, the two relaxed for the rest of the day, enjoying themselves.

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