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I'm back with another one-shot. This one is Minjoon's friendship. It's short and sweet. It's to honor Minjoon Club on ARA's first year anniversary. Please give the club some love on ARMY'S Amino and in the comments. I hope you enjoy this fluffy one-shot about the beauty of friendships. Let's get into it.

(Side Note: This is one of the one-shots that I have moved from my Kpop one-shot book as I consider it to be a bromance story=a sub-category to romance stories. If you recognize it, it's because you may have already read it before. Please give it love in this book as well)

Namjoon is sitting in his studio, spinning in circles in his swivel chair. He sighs as his mind draws blanks. He's been trying to write a new song. Trying, being the key word. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Namjoon looks up with surprise as Jimin enters the room with a smile on his face. "Is it okay if I come in?" Jimin asks. Namjoon nods and gestures towards the couch. Jimin throws himself onto it and snuggles his face against the pillow. Namjoon shakes his head, but has an amused smile on his face. He isn't really surprised to see Jimin's actions. It just made him smile, due to the fact that Jimin hasn't changed that much since the day they first met. "What are you up to?" Jimin asks, shifting in his position on the couch.

Namjoon sighs, "Trying to come up with a new song."

"Not going well?" Jimin questions.

Namjoon nods, "Bingo...what about you? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I actually wanted to see you today. Cause, it's today!" Jimin exclaims.

Namjoon looks to the vocalist with confusion, "'s today. Is today something special?"

"Don't tell me you forgot," Jimin whines. Namjoon looks to Jimin and nods his head, having no clue what he is talking about. Jimin groans, "It's been seven years since we first met, silly. Today is the day we first met. How could you forget that?!"

"Oh...that's it," Namjoon says with a look of relief, "I thought I forgot someone's birthday, I'm usually good with those..."

"Hyung! Why aren't you more excited? Or even feeling guilty for forgetting today?" Jimin exclaims, "This is a special day. I've come to celebrate it with you!"

"Celebrate what?" Namjoon asks, "It's just the day we's no big deal..."

"No big deal!? It's a huge deal! It's our meet-iversery! Our meet-iversery!" Jimin says with wide eyes, "It's such a big deal that you should be treating me out for a very nice dinner!" Namjoon blinks, surprised by Jimin's investment in this day and his passion on the whole topic. "Did you say meet-iversery? You know that's not an actual event celebrated by people, right?" Namjoon says, "It's also, not a word..."

"It should be a word and a day that people all over the world should celebrate," Jimin states.

"If you say so, Jimin," Namjoon says with a shake of his head, "I still don't understand why you find this day so special. It's not like it was anything interesting either. The way we met wasn't anything out of the ordinary. You said hi and I said hi. That was pretty much it."

"It was magical! A moment that will forever be remembered!" Jimin exclaims.

Namjoon sighs, "I think you need more sleep."

"Namjoon hyung! C'mon, I'm not joking. I actually think this day is special. I find it important and I want to spend it with you," Jimin says, "At least, let me explain why it's so special." Namjoon looks to his friend, who has a pouting face on. The young man sighs and nods his head, he could never say no to Park Jimin. Jimin smiles instantly and his eyes light up as he starts to speak. "I don't get you sometimes, hyung. You're smart and stuff, but sometimes you take everything too by the book. A day like today. A day where we meet each other for the first time can be just as special as any certified holiday," Jimin says, "It doesn't need to be a birthday or Christmas or White Day to make it special. It doesn't need to be just those big events. It could just be the small ones. The little events that we should cherish because they're special. Because, little things aren't appreciated enough. We don't give much attention to the little details and intricacies in life. We should, but we don't. We don't give much thought into the hand placed on the shoulder or the bless you after a sneeze. We don't even think that the way we meet new people is anything special, but it is! How could it not be? There are over seven billion people in this world. Seven billion people that you could meet on a daily basis. Out of those seven billion people, you met me hyung. You met me on today out of all the seven billion people you could've possibly met. There was a chance that you and I could've never met each other. Never have seen each other, but we did. And that's special. Because, we met. We met when we may not have met at all. That's why today is special. That's why a meet-iversery should be celebrated. Because it's not every day that you meet a new person and have that turn into a friendship like ours." Namjoon looks to Jimin as he speaks, his eyes shining as he does. He smiles a little, understanding where Jimin is coming from. He is lucky to have met Jimin. This sweet, heartwarming guy, who always understands him. He's thankful that on today he met Jimin. Cause, he could've met someone else, but he met the wonderful Park Jimin. Today is special. "Well, when you put it like that," Namjoon starts, only to be cut off by Jimin.

"Reword that," Jimin states, "It makes me sound like I just yelled at you or something."

Namjoon stifles a laugh and does exactly what his friend requested, "Today should be celebrated. I see that. It's because, today, I met one of the seven billion people in this world. I met you. My friend. And that's special, because today I met Park Jimin. And not everyone, gets to meet Park Jimin."

Jimin nods, "You did. You got to meet me. You got to meet me and become friends with me. The same happened for me too. I met Kim Namjoon. I'm lucky to have met Kim Namjoon." The two friends look at one another with fond looks on their faces. "Happy meet-iversery, Jimin," Namjoon says, his dimples peeking out.

"Happy meet-iversery, Namjoon hyung," Jimin replies with a smile of his own, "Does this mean you're taking me out to dinner to celebrate?"

Namjoon laughs, "We'll see..."

That's all for this one-shot! As I said, short and sweet. I hope this one-shot makes you appreciate the little things and the people you meet and the friends you have. Please give the Minjoon Club some love on ARMY's Amino and in the comments of this story. While you are at it, comment below any other one-shot ideas you have for me to write, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out Collision Course.

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