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This one-shot is all about Joker and Harleen Quinzel. The first time they met to be exact. It was recommended by Legsandglitter
This one-shot is dedicated to midnightspade

Harleen Quinnzel walked down the long hall of Arkham Asylum. She had just graduated college and was able to find a job pretty easily. When the offer to become the Joker's psychiatrist came up, she was up for the challenge. She planned on proving that she could help anyone no matter how insane they may be. The Joker was going to be a huge task to take on but, Dr. Harleen Quinnzel could do anything she put her mind to. And, really, how bad could the Joker be. Honestly he was just a man that got lead in the wrong direction. A pretty good looking man in her opinion, but of course she didn't tell anyone this when she first applied for the job. Harleen was going to be the one to lead him into the right direction. She arrived in front of a door guarded by four men holding large guns. The door was padlocked and made of titanium. The door had a label that said Joker and underneath it a warning to proceed with caution. Harleen showed one of the guards her pass and he nodded. He moved to open the door which was a long complicated process. They had to make sure that the clown prince of crime didn't escape. Even though he already has time and time again. Harleen thanked the guard when the door was opened and walked through it. The guard shut the door quickly and began to lock it up again. Harleen looked around the dark dingy cell room. Joker sat in a dark corner, a metal desk in front of him. Harleen took a deep breath and walked over to the insane man. She pulled out the chair that was also at the desk and sat down. She opened her red briefcase and took out a folder. She put it in front of her on the metal desk and looked at her patient. Joker looked her straight in the eyes and didn't say a word. Harleen stared back. The cell remained insanely quiet for a good few minutes. Suddenly Joker began to laugh, "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!" Harleen shivered as she thought about how sexy his laugh sounds. Joker stopped laughing and smiles, "So.....your the newbie that's supposed to fix my mind....." He leaned closer to the table and Harleen got a better view of her patient. He was wearing a straight jacket and his green hair is cleanly slicked back. She nods her head, "Harleen Quinzel. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

Joker rolls his eyes and smirks, "Harleen Quinzel, what a name. I don't like it. Can I call you Harley?"

"You can call me whatever you want. That doesn't mean you can, avoid the topic. Tell me about yourself," Harleen replied.

"Fine.....Name's Joker, Clown Prince of Crime....Batman's nemesis." Joker answers.

Harleen nods and writes something down in the folder, "What's your goals in life?"

Joker cackles, "Cause some mayhem. Hear some screams. Get some laughs" Harleen hums as she listens to him speak. She thinks about how interesting this man is. Almost everyone has told her it would only lead to disaster if she got involved with the Joker. But, so far everything seemed to be going fine. She knows that if every session with the Joker is like this one, than Joker would be healed and out of Arkham in no time. "Why do you want to do all that?" Harleen asks. 

Joker looks at her like the answer was obvious, "Cause it's fun."

Harleen nods her head, "I fail to see how hearing screams is any fun. Maybe you'd like to explain to me how it could be?"

Joker smiles and laughs, "You want me to teach you, the ways of the great Joker? I don't think you could handle all of this darlin'."

Harleen smirks, "Oh....I think I can handle you quite well..." Joker laughs and laughs. According to Harleen the better she knows the Joker's mindset the better she can heal him. Her goal is to get as close to him as possible, which should allow her to fix his damaged mind. There wasn't any ulterior motive for her wanting to get close to him. Or at least that is what she kept telling herself. "Alright than Harley....I'll teach you my ways. me a favor" Joker said with a grin.

"Anything." Harleen replied trying her hardest to fight the dirty thoughts coming into her head as she looked at the Joker's body.

"When your bosses ask if I'm improving, say yes. And, maybe, when I get out of here, you and I could have some fun." Joker said with a maniacal smile.

Harleen couldn't help but smile as well, "Of course." Joker laughed, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" Honestly, Joker is really just focused on getting the hell out of Arkham and back to having some fun. If he has to manipulate the mind of his new psychiatrist, he'll do it as long as he gets back out there and back to having some fun with Batsy. Of course, Harleen has no idea what Joker was thinking and believes she is taking all the steps towards curing him. Joker continues to laugh as a guard unlocks the cell door and comes in. "Miss. Quinzel, your time with the prisoner is up. You have to leave the cell immediately," the guard said. Harleen nods to the guard, she quickly picks up her folder and briefcase, "I'll see you at our next session Mr. Joker." Joker smiled maliciously as she left the cell. As the guards locked the cell back up, Harleen began to walk out of Arkham Asylum. Today went better than she had originally planned. Helping the Joker would be an easy task. People always said that he was an insane person that couldn't be healed and shouldn't even have a second chance at life. She really didn't see how people could think this way. Harleen mutters underneath her breath as she exits Arkham, "Insane my ass....he's probably the nicest....not to mention the hottest man I've ever met..."

Thanks for reading! And thank you for being patient with my odd updating schedule. I hope you enjoyed!!!! Comment, vote, add my story to your reading list, and follow me! Comment on which couple I should write a one-shot about next!

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