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Hi! Day 4 of Minjoon one-shots is here! This one is sad, but at the same time heartwarming. It's definitely not as tragic as yesterday's little tale. I hope you enjoy this one. It's set in their Idol life, so it's an AU based off of real life. Let's get into it!

Jimin and Namjoon were hanging out when they got a message from Hitman Bang asking to have a meeting with them. They looked at one another with confused looks, before replying to their boss that they would be right there. They stood outside the door a bit wary about what this meeting could be about. Namjoon raps his knuckles on the door. They wait until Hitman Bang allows them to come in and they make their way into his office. The mood within the office is solemn and the two young men await for their boss to speak. "Do you know why I called you here?" Bang questions the two. They both shake their heads and look at him with confused expressions. "We've had an issue recently with the way you two have been acting during concerts, interviews and any other time a camera is pointed at you," He explains. The boys both tense up and glance at each other from the corner of their eyes. "It is no secret within the company that the two of you are together and have been for some time now. You've been able to hide it very well at the beginning. No one suspected a thing before. Yet, now, you both have let your more loving side through. It is rather clear that there is something more there and people are starting to pick up on it," Hitman Bang continues.

"Are you firing us?" Namjoon questions, "Or asking us to breakup?" Jimin frowns at Namjoon's questions. Neither boys wanted either of those questions to be answered affirmatively. They like their jobs and there was no way in hell would they be splitting up. Bang shakes his head, "No. You're not being fired. I would never force you two to breakup, either. I just want you to be more careful. Try not to be so touchy around one another. Don't sit so close to one another. Don't do those thigh touches during interviews. Keep your relationship under wraps and we won't have any issues here." Jimin bites his lip, his boss's request not sitting well with him. "Hyung and I are barely ever connected with one another by the fans. We're not one of the popular 'ships'. You shouldn't need to tell us to not be so affectionate with one another. If anything, you should be having this talk with Taehyung and Jungkook. Namjoon hyung and I aren't even that bad. The moments we do share are extremely rare, yet you still seem to find an issue with it," Jimin rants, "I mean you still want us to do some fan service, right. Or would you rather Namjoon and I stay a good 50 feet away from one another at all times...."

"One, try to be more respectful. Two, I'm not asking you to stop loving one another. I know how much your relationship means to you two," Hitman Bang says, "The only thing I ask is that you consider who you are. You're idols. As such, you can't just let loose. As BTS, you have a lot of responsibilities, dating is not one of them."

Jimin's eyes narrow and mutters under his breath, "You may as well be asking us to stop loving one another..."

Namjoon nudges Jimin with his arm and says in a warning tone, "Jimin..." Said man only huffs and looks towards the floor. "We will try our hardest to be more discreet. We know our limitations in this life we chose, we haven't forgotten them. Is that all?" Namjoon says in a calm tone. Hitman Bang nods his head and gestures towards the door, saying that they can leave. Jimin storms out the door instantly, not bothering to give their boss a farewell. Namjoon sighs and bows before also exiting the office. Jimin stands by the door with his hands clenched in fists. Namjoon shakes his head, "Breathe...Jimin. Getting all riled up like that isn't helping anyone. You need to calm down."

Jimin scoffs, "This isn't something I can just calm down about, Joon hyung. This is about my love life. I can deal with the strict schedules, the cameras constantly on me, and all that stuff that comes along with an idol life. But, it gets to the point that I can't stand being told that I am banned from loving my boyfriend!"

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