{16} Car ride and Shut Eye

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN - Car Ride and Shut Eye

(Smit p.o.v)

Me: Hey John. I just need clarification or my mind will implode. 

ThatDambBitch: Dumb Bitch. No this isn't anything to worry about. She's just anxious. It's for comfort not crushing.

Me: Just needed those words or else I would just come up with all these crazy theories

ThatDambBitch: If she knew how you felt towards her she would 100% be in your arms right now.

Me: Don't say that you fuck!

ThatDambBitch: Just stating facts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

     I shut my phone off, face beaming red. I see Kryoz laugh to himself and I roll my eyes. I'm praying the orange gleam of the streetlights hid my face enough. I don't need a whole car teasing me while she's around, awake or not.

      I kind of wish I didn't pry John as much as I did, but I won't admit he's right even if its a life or death situation. I creepily knew all these facts about her and can't really explain or play it off well. 

     I take another glance over at (Y/N) and she is now fully sleeping. How on earth is this real?
    We arrived at the house and when we came through the front door in it was surprisingly calm. The guys just sat on the couch, chilling and watching random videos.

    "What happened to shut you all up?" Tyler asks 

    "Try not to laugh." Panda says as he continues his gaze at the screen. A duck comes on screen and when it goes to quack, the noise instead was a car horn. I hear a little giggle next to me.

    "You laughed at that! IT was a literal DUCK!" John yelled at (Y/N) teasingly and she only laughed more. 

    "It..It.." She tried to talk but would couldn't open her mouth in an effort to not let out any more giggles. "H-honk!" She tried to copy the car horn sound and broke into a fit of laughter on the floor. I started to laugh at the ball of cuteness as tears started to roll down her face. 

    "You two suck at this game." Scotty says looking over at us, trying not to break himself.

    "Honk." She whispered only to make herself laugh more.

    "You are so tired (Y/N)." John says softly, offering his hand. She accepts it and stands up.
     "Yeah...yeah I really am. But that was peak comedy, I stand by it." She says, trying to stop smiling but I could tell the meme was replaying in her mind. 

     She didn't have to try to be pretty. Her hair was messed up from the car ride and her eyes struggled to open all the way. She still had subtle red marks that scattered one side of her face from John's shirt seam. She still was just so breathtakingly beautiful. 

    I jump as John lands a rough pat to my shoulder. Smirking at me as he knows I was staring for a little longer than normal. "You seem tired too Jaren. Just started daydreaming mid conversation." John smirks and (Y/N) giggled and I scratched my hair sheepishly. 

    "Yeah, I'm going to head to bed. Don't want to miss any of tomorrow because I stayed up to late tonight." I say, slightly making up a story but as I spoke I realized how true it actually was. 

    "I am going to also. Goodnight everyone!" (Y/N) says. We all say goodnight to (Y/N) as she heads to her room. John then turns to me cutting me off from saying goodnight to him. 

    "Well Smit. Tyler talked to me about this earlier, when you were busy being head over heels for my bestfriend, that mo-"

     "Cut that out." I say, smacking his shoulder. 

     "AS I WAS SAYING, most guys are planning on staying longer. Like leaving the night of the 6th instead of the the morning after the fourth. He wanted to say you are welcome to stay as well."

    "Oh, I have plans later in the day on the 5th otherwise I definitely would." I say and he nods.

    "Everyone just wanted to get to know (Y/N) more before we leave. Since we'd only have the fourth and that's it."

    "I...well...I-" I think about the consequences of my family plans. I knew I couldn't overwrite them, even for her. I barely hang out with them for any holidays since I've moved and they planned to fly out the day of the 4th to celebrate with me on the 5th. "I have to go. I have family coming to Canada, I promised I'd be there and I don't want to let them down."

    "Don't know why you're giving me excuses." John laughs. " it wasn't mandatory. Tyler just told me to ask."

    "Ok...thanks." I say softly, still debating but knowing I can't do that to family. 

    "You'll see her after you leave." John says suddenly and I look up him confused. 

    "w-what. How would you know?"

    "Goodnight Smit." he says, giving me another pat, a wink, and then walking off.

    "What the fuck!" I say and he just laughs but continues to his room. "Well goodnight I guess." 

     Everyone else in the room said goodnight to me as I walked upstairs. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. 

     I met (Y/N). I met her in real life. I talked to her, heard more of her voice, learnt her personality just like John has told me i always could one day, i got to hug her, I saw her smile,

I fell asleep.

Hey guys! This is officially every old chapter updated. That means from here on out there will be NEW content to read which makes me excited. Leave any ideas that you want to see (Any prompts and stuff:) 

Thank you!

(961 words)

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