{15} Fireworks

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(Y/N) P.O.V)

     John and Smii7y immediately stopped singing as Tyler rolled all the windows down and turned the song down. They stayed down the whole way to the store and the two boys were pouting on both sides of me. They perked up as we all shuffled out of the car and into the store. I happily skip beside John and smile brightly. 

     "John. I wouldn't ever think I would be here and be having this much fun." 

     "(Y/N) having fun in a social situation?!" John teases and throws his hands on his face in shock. 

     "I know I shouldn't admit it but thank you for bringing me here. I know it took convincing but you were right, I'm having a blast. It really is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

     "I'm so glad. I'm trying so fucking hard to not have an 'I told you so' moment." John laughs.

     " But you were right. I would have never done this if you don't force me. I would have never gotten out of my bubble and talked to all these people. I would just be behind the scenes in the shadows. Thanks for caring and doing whatever you can to make me a better person. You are a true best friend and a genuinely great person. Luv you boo!" After finishing my little speech that I found necessary, I jump on his back, wrapping my arms around him. 

     "Don't get me emotional you dipshit," John says as he wipes his eyes and helps me up on his back to get a better piggyback. "I appreciate it though. thanks."

     "You're the best John." 

     "I know."

     Evan looks back at us and groans. "Let's get'er going!" and snaps at us. John immediately starts to run, making me hold on tight.


(Smits P.O.V)

     I watch her absentmindedly, how she has literal stars in her eyes as she holds on to Johns back, her aura is just to die for. Just so effortlessly stunning. 

     "Get your googly eyes off of her man," Tyler says shoving me and breaking me out of my gaze. 

     "I'm sorry! This is just so surreal." I say shaking my head at myself. "I don't think I've fully processed she's actually here."

     "You're good. It's funny to see you so high on love." 

     "Shut up Tyler" he throws his hands up in defense and we head inside with the others.

     I see (Y/N) holding giant sparklers and running up to me. My heart skips a beat in shock, but I keep a calm demeanor. 

     "Smii7y, wanna take pictures with me with these sparklers." she looks nervous asking but her eyes sparkle as she looks in my eyes pleadingly. I cannot say no. I mean who AM I to say no.

     "Of course I will (Y/N). You go help the guys pick out some more. I'll hold these." I say smugly tucking the sparklers under my arm. 

     "Come with me!" She grabs my wrist and tugs me along with her. I just smile and let her take me. As she tugs me along her hand slides down into my palm and suddenly I lost contact with my smug self. I can't help but tense a bit as my eyes widen in shock.

     "Ok guys, I brought Smii7y." She says, letting her hand go limp and slowly fall out of mine. What's the right move? Do I grab it back or do I let it fall. I don't even know her intentions on grabbing my hand in the first place. She grabbed my wrist at first, it probably was a accident that it ended like this. 

     I see John, using his hands to tell me to calm down. I nod and try to relax, letting her hand fully fall by her side. 

     "Jaren what do you think?" Evan asks me holding up a bouquet of fireworks. I shrug. 

     "What's are budget with these things because I think we could find something better." I say and look towards (Y/N) to see her opinion. But she wasn't by my side, she was now hiding behind John.

(Y/N) P.O.V)

     I hide behind John and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I held his hand. I didn't even mean too. That sudden boost of confidence is helpful but that was never my intention to do. He didn't react, but is that a good or bad thing?

     John starts taking me over to the corner of the shop as he noticed my panic. "(Y/N) you are doing great! What's wrong?"

     "Confidence went down a black hole." He laughs along as he slings his arm around my shoulders. 

    "Do you want to stick by me for a bit," I nod, John smiles and guides me back to the group.

     "Grab one more box each and then I think we are ready to go," Tyler says. I pick out one with John before making our way to the registers. They buy the fireworks (holy cow they spend a lot of money on things that are just going to blow up) and we walk back to the car. 

     "(/N)." I hear. I turn around and see Jaren catching up with Kryoz and I. "The guys didn't want to buy sparklers because they don't explode but I figured you wanted them so I bought them for you." He scratches his neck awkwardly and hands them over. 

     "T-thank you, Smit!" I say smiling and looking down at the pack of sparklers. "I do s-sparklers every Fourth Of July so t-this means a l-lot." He grins and walks with us to the car, no more words spoken.

(Smit's P.O.V)

     We hop back into the seats we were in last time and buckle up for the ride home. It wasn't super long but not exactly a quick trip. 

     About 10-15 minutes in I see (Y/N) Snuggled up with John about to fall asleep. I knew I shouldn't be jealous because John would never do that to me but its also not my place. That's just how close they are. But I couldn't help it, I text John to try and clear my mind knowing he would just make fun of me but i'd rather have that reassurance then being stuck in my mind.

WOOO another chapter done. Thank you guys for all your support, it's truly keeping me going. I've had a really tough month (Hence my little hiatus again after saying I'm back) and your nice comments made me really want to put out more. Thank you.

(1095 Words)

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