{18} Balloon Ambush

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(Y/N) P.O.V)

I run to the door after both of the boys run out, opting to watch from here as John pursues Jaren. I couldn't hold back my laughter at Smii7y's screams. It's something I've definitely heard before online, but it's so much more entertaining in person.

Suddenly, I see Jaren trip, causing him to fly into the dirt. Jaren tried to get up fast, but John caught him, wrapping his hands around him as Jaren attempted to escape.

"(Y/N), help me!" Jaren yells, making eye contact with me across the backyard. I laugh and head over.

"Hey (Y/N)" John says casually, looking unfazed as the milk bag kicks and squirms.

"Hey John." I say, laughing as Jaren goes limp, totally giving up. "Uhh...whatcha have there?"

"Nothing." He says, suddenly dropping Smii7y and he goes flying to the floor, landing on his ass. John gasps in shock and breaks into hysterics.

"Dude?!" Jaren groans, rolling over in pain.

"Are you o-okay?" I stammer, peeking down at him through hesitant eyes. He nods and glares at John. Slowly, I extend my hand, offering it to him. With a shy smile, he accepts, allowing me to help him stand up.

"Do you need me to kiss it to make it feel better." John teases, his laughter subsiding.

"Let's make waterballoons," Smii7y says, obviously changing the subject as he walks away. John laughs again.

We all head over to where Tyler had been stockpiling water balloons for months. The sight was amazing. There was a whole box filled, with a stack balancing on top.

"We have to fill every one of these?! There must be at least a hundred balloons here." John complains.

"You fill them up in groups. It should be really easy." I respond softly, my hands fidgeting as I kneel down and start to open the packets. "I think there is way more then a hundred though."

"I'll get the hose and a bucket." John says, I nod and idly tear open the many packets.

Suddenly, I'm startled by a weight settling beside me, causing me to jump and freeze in place. "S-sorry," I murmur, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment as Jaren's concerned gaze meets mine.

"Don't be, I'm sorry for scaring you," he says, his voice gentle and soothing. Our eyes meet, and for a moment, it's silence.

"Damn Canadians, you guys apologize for the stupidest things," John interjects, breaking the tension with a playful jab as he throws the bucket in front of us. Startled, I blink rapidly, shaking my head to clear the fog that had settled over my mind. I instantly turn back to the balloons, embarrassed, my movements hesitant as I quietly open them, enveloped in a self-conscious silence.

We made a makeshift assembly line and charged through all the water balloons in about an hour. I surprisingly made it out quite dry, despite a couple of balloons popping in my hands.

The boys? Well That is a different story.

"It just suddenly popped!"

"Above my head?!"

Needless to say, they were both soaked. Thankfully the sun was out so they weren't complaining too much. I started decorating the porch as the boys set up different games around the yard, like cornhole, beer pong, and ladder ball. When they were done, they both strolled back to me.

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