{11} At a Glance

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(Y/N) P.O.V)

     I woke up and scanned the unfamiliar surroundings frantically, forgetting where I was for a second. "Tyler's...Right." 

     I get out of bed and threw up my hair messily. I walk sleepily to John's room, he was still asleep. I checked my phone quickly and it was noon. Maybe I could talk to people as I wait for him. 

     I can talk to someone without John. Maybe not meet anyone new but hold a conversation without John present. I heard Scotty's loud laugh out the door and that made me even more prepared. 

You: Who is all awake?

ScottyMan: Me obviously

You: ok :/ who else

ScottyMan: Tyler, and Panda

You: No one else?

ScottyMan: No one else.

You: I'm going to come out then. Talk to you guys until John wakes up.

ScottyMan: YoU Go GIrl!

You: You think it's safe for me to come out and not be spotted by Smii7y?

ScottyMan: I think so. He normally sleeps in. I doubt you have hours to chill out here but probably a half-hour?

You: Thanks Scotty.

     With a subtle thumbs-up emoji from Scotty, I quietly snuck out of John's room, slowly making my way to the living room to peek around the corner. Sure enough, Scotty, Tyler, and Panda were chilling out there. Scotty made eye contact with me and smiled.

     "Hey, (Y/N)."

     "(Y/N)?" Panda asks. 

     "You know (Y/N)?" Scotty questions, pointing over to where I'm hiding, and I wave shyly. "You met (Y/N), right? You know she's here?" Scotty looks puzzled, thinking he might have ruined the plan.     

     "Y-yeah, he does," I confirm, walking out to where everyone else was.

     "I was just confused," Panda says.     

     "Yeah, thought you were staying in your room until you met everyone," Tyler adds.

     "Johns s-still asleep so I thought I'd come talk to you guys for a bit."

     "That's amazing! I'm so glad you are getting out of your comfort zone," Tyler cheers. 

     "It's been tough but you guys are so kind. I'm excited to meet the rest of you."

     "Who do you have left?" Scotty asks. 

     "Not much, Just Vanoss and Smii7y left so please don't tell them anything."

     "I promise!" The boys all say, and I smile widely. 

     "Jaren will be so happy to see you. That man always asks John about you," Anthony laughs.

     "You should hear all the things Smii7y says," Tyler booms. 

    "Did I hear someone say Smii7y!?" 

     I freeze. It's him. He's coming down the stairs. 

     I take a moment to appreciate his appearance. Despite the distance, I can make out every detail. His hair was still messy from his sleep, he's wearing a hoodie and sweats, and he looks good

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