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So this might be long this might be short I'm not really sure what I'm gonna do yet I know the story line just not how long I want it.I love you-jasper

Once I got to work I made my usual coffee (the one from when y/n and loryn met) and I started setting up and cleaning the floor I set out the outdoor tables and clean the counter by the time I was done we we're about it to open and there was a line already outside. I open the door and everyone floods in like it's a theme park. I knew today would be a very busy day.

Loryns POV

Hi I'm loryn shaftter I'm the oldest of 8 I have 6 sisters and 1 baby brother there names are Jamie 15, Lynn 13, heather 11, ruby and sapphire the twins 9, Elizabeth rose 7, and our baby brother Benny is 3. I nick named them all 'my rings'  because they all love the hobbit and they are very precious to me I have to parents who "love" us. I basically raised my siblings, they would always leave to patty's with there friends and leave us home I got us out of cps custody around 15 times by the time I was 16. My sister Jamie is the second oldest and I taught her everything I know for taking care of the other little rings. I left before my 19th birthday because I was saving up and teaching Jamie everything I knew. By the time I left I had gotten a home in a small village like town and gotten a car sent to the house. I was ready to move and I would text my sisters daily and soon I'm taking Benny so he can grow up better than we all have.

I'm bisexual which means I like girls and sadly like guys. I use she/they I do have a preference for girls, my sisters all except me as I am and my pronouns as well I didn't think I would make any friends in my new town because it was mostly older couples or people from America touring the UK I'm not always sure? But when I went to get my regular order that every thinks is gross I came across a girl that looked my age. She was so beautiful I couldn't help but blush a little I don't think she saw it. When I ordered  my drink she looked taken back by it to my surprise she gave it to me for free because she never had someone order the same thing she always gets which was cool. I told her I could pay for it but she insisted, I tried to protest but she just said it was fine so I just gave up on it we sat there for a minute while the other person I didn't notice before was making my drink we talked for a moment and I said "can't have your number? I just moved here not long ago and don't worry I'm not some old lady I'm 19" she actually said yes she said it would be on the receipt
As she gave me the receipt our hand touched making us both blush and make me look down because of it I soon noticed she was looking at my shirt. She said "I'm y/n by the way" and at the same time we said "I like your pins" we both had pronoun pins and she had a lesbian flag and I had a bi flag. Be both blushed for a moment then a guy walked in the door bell rang and she jumped I wonder why? I said "you around?" She said yes and then took the order of the person who just came in.

When I got home I opened my door and sprang for the sofa. I immediately text her to see if she gave me a fake number or not, she hadn't answered for a little while but she was probably still working, I was so happy when she said "hey it's me y/n sorry I was at work still how are you?" We texted until about midnight we talked about or favorite things like colors,flowers, food, aesthetic  we had a lot in common we both live spaghetti and the color black and she likes dark academia like I do but likes cottage care while I like alt. My favorite flower was a tulip hers was a sunflower which made me smile because she seemed so happy and bright like the sun. I soon fell asleep in the next morning I woke up to a text saying can you call me quickly please it was y/n it seemed urgent so I said yes. She asked if I wanted to go with her to save her sibling they where only 9 so I said yes of course. When I got on the bus I paid my fairs and looked for her when I saw her she had tears running down her face I whipped them away and brought her into a hug that lasted until we got to the station she grabbed her bag and practically Sprinted to the train when we got inside she was trying to find an empty compartment we did and she sat next to me, she asked me to read to her to calm her down which I thought was very cute, The book was y/f/b(your favorite book) and I let her lay in my lap while I played with her hair I only got threw three pages before she fell asleep on my lap it was adorable (I took a photo of it of course) when I woke her up because the train stopped she jumped up quickly and grabbed her things and took my hand, it took me by surprise but I didn't mind it I don't think she knew she did it either. When we got to her house she was taking me to the back to a child's window which I guess was her sibling waiting for them her bunny as she called them told them to go to the door so we did, when we got there she realized she was still holding my hand but she kept holding it nonetheless, when they opened the door she let go of my hand and told them to get there things because hey are moving in with her and that she would get them new cloths a new room and a bed and all it was so sweet. After that we went to her friends house, she jumped on him and he laughed then realized it was her and hugged her on his lap I got jealous but why?it's not like where together or anything? Do I like her?!? No way do I really like her? She probably didn't like me back though.. maybe she does? I decided there hug was a bit to long and made a noise to say "IM STILL HERE WILL YOU STOP IM GETTING JEALOUS EVEN THOUGH YOUR A LESBIAN" she just took it as me saying hey where still here though she got up and I saw his head turn in confusion asking who's she. I started to get nervous for some reason, she said she would explain when Izzy got here. Who's Izzy? Why am I jealous of her too? Before I could think of another question for myself She came threw the window and sat next to sky she kissed him which made me feel better and not jealous but I was still nervous though, y/n told us all to sit in a circle so she can explain everything like who I am and why where here. She said for me to sit next to her as soon as I sat down she moved closer to me so our arms and legs touched she was holding my hand letting me squeeze it if I wanted to leave. She was telling everyone how we met and at the very end of it all before we left she said and I quote "and no we are not dating Skylar" glaring at him playfully and him copying it they laughed silently and we left. We where now on the train and we where all on one side because y/n didn't want either of us to be alone on a side. She was stroking threw her siblings hair while they where on her lap sleeping she fell asleep facing the crook of my neck and I placed my head on hers and fell asleep as well

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