chapter one

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Just a quick note. The first few chapters are rather lengthy, but I toned that down later on. Also I did read the novel series and there are little bits of information that some readers might not want to know as it could be spoilers. This is purely fanfiction, but I do try to stay true to Julia Quinn's style. Or it's at least very similar. Please leave a comment and follow!! All feedback is appreciated!! So please leave comments to let me know what you think!!! This is my first story and I welcome and would appreciate it greatly!!Now if you've read this far I'm done! I hope you enjoy it!!

Lyanna Sandringham believed in true love. She also believed in honor, duty, and loyalty. Raised as the only child of the Duke and Duchess of Sandringham, her childhood was filled with more laughs and hugs than one child could possibly need. Her mother doted on her and no matter her mistakes Lyanna could do no wrong, in her mother's eyes anyway. Her father taught her to ride and shoot.

He told her stories of his days as a boy in school and even let her try his whiskey one afternoon when she had relentlessly annoyed him. She could very well picture the way he threw up his hands when finally giving in to her demands.

Yes, Lyanna Sandringham had lived a charmed life. It was a most splendid childhood and when she cared to look back on her memories, as she often did, she couldn't be happier. Even after her mothers death during her seventh year, she had still had her father.

The Duke, being the only parent she had left was even more fervent in proving his love to his only daughter. Lyanna stole a glance across the carriage at her father.

He was slouched against the wall, his chest rising and falling in an even rhythm. She smiled to herself as she reached over and brushed the hair from his eyes. Even at the age of forty four he was handsome.

His dark hair had just started to grey around the edges and his face was just now beginning to show the hint of age lines. He could have remarried any woman he wanted but he had chose to stay completely devoted to the memory of her mother.

She thought it was strange that he refused to entertain the attention of other women, but she guessed it was just impossible for her to understand. She had never fallen in love. And love was the reason why her father refused to remarry.

Even if her father, Duke of Sandringham, Charles Sandringham, was the only male left of his bloodline, or the only male left in his family for that matter. It always left a sour taste in her mouth whenever she thought of her father's name dying out with him. Not just that, but it infuriated her. She was his blood after all, a noble woman in her own right.

That was just it though, she was a woman and a woman could not hope to claim the title of Duchess without first marrying a Duke. She let her anger subside as she stared back at her father. It wouldn't do any good to be angry now. No not now, not when he had quite literally uprooted their entire lives by declaring that they would move to London for the season.

No now was the time to keep her emotions in check, after all her father had a plan for coming all the way here and it wouldn't do to be his daughter and not have one of her own.

"Uh hmm." She said clearing her throat,
"Father," no reply except for the silent exhale of breath.
"Father!" She yelled quite too loudly for a proper lady.

"Eh! Wh-what!" She smiled sheepishly as he awoke with a start and pierced her with his steely blue eyes.
"Good God Lyanna,"
"Why father!" She said interrupting him and dramatically placing her hand in front of her mouth for added effect.

"To blaspheme in front of a lady even your own daughter. Tsk tsk." She began waving her finger back and forth in a very unladylike manner in front of his face.

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