chapter eight

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Lyanna woke soaked in sweat breathless and panting. Her throat was dry and she needed water but maybe she needed something stronger like whiskey. She had dreamed of him, of Miles Bridgerton of all people. It hadn't been any ordinary dream. Lyanna had never dreamt of any man in the way she had just dreamt about Miles.

She felt almost guilty for the things she had done. She touched her lips just in case, making sure they weren't swollen. After what she had done, if it had been reality they would definitely be swollen. Thankfully they were not. She let out a sigh she hadn't known she was holding. This was bad, she knew what desire was, she had seen it numerous times at school and back in Scotland. But there was no way she could desire Miles. It just wasn't possible.

Even as she told herself that, she tried very hard to think of the reason why it wasn't. Finding it hard to pinpoint why exactly she couldn't, before she remembered her plans. This wasn't good. Lyanna had a one track mind, she knew only how to get what she wanted and she would aquire only the means necessary to attain it. Now she wasn't sure what she wanted. She had never not been sure, and now she was questioning herself. No.

She threw the covers off of her and got out of bed. She walked to her closet and pulled out one of the linen shirts. Disrobing her night dress, she donned the shirt and then a pair of brown trousers. She found her riding boots placed towards the back of the closet and made a mental note to herself to remind Mable to keep them towards the front of her wardrobe.

Lyanna pulled back her curtains to see that dawn had yet to break the horizon so it was still early morning. She checked the clock on her mantle for assurance and the time read forty-five after four. Good she needed fresh air and time alone. She carried her boots in hand as she crept down the stairs. Lyanna made no noise as her stockinged feet padded down them.

She paused briefly at the bottom, glancing around, looking into all the dark corners she could see. Hobs seemed to be nowhere in sight, the man was like a ghost, and if he was awake he was creeping about somewhere. His sole purpose to foil her at every turn. Satisfied he wasn't anywhere in the near vicinity she slipped quietly out the door.

Once outside the cool morning air blew against her face making Lyanna shiver. She sat and pulled on her boots just savoring the peace and quiet that had fallen over Sandringham House. Once the duchy was hers she thought she might like to make Sandringham House her permanent residence. She stole around to the east side of the house where the stables were located. She had toured the grounds earlier the previous day making note in her head where exactly the horses and all the necessary equipment for riding were kept.

Lyanna had no trouble in saddling a horse, she was a proficient rider and was quite proud of her riding skills. She found the stables dark and quiet, she walked around and gathered all her equipment up and placed it outside. She hadn't brought a candle and with how dark the stable was she wouldn't be able to saddle a horse in there. Dawn was just beginning to peek over the horizon so now there was enough hazy light out, enough to saddle a horse at least.

After laying out her saddle, she returned to the stable to find a horse. Yesterday she had seen a solid black gelding who appeared in need of a good run. The horse had snorted at her and she liked to imagine that it approved of her as much she it. She found the geldings stall and led him out. He made no noises of disapproval as she threw the saddle blanket, then the saddle over him. She placed the bit in his mouth with no objections then she fastened the saddle in place. Placing one booted foot against the leather as she tugged it tight against the horses stomach.

Lyanna rubbed his snout, the gelding leaned it's head in towards her. He nudged her shoulder, and she patted him gently. Lyanna took no time in mounting and then they were off. There was enough space at Sandringham House that she could trot around but she wanted speed. She wanted to feel the wind whip her in the face and hear the pounding of hooves beat against the earth. She needed the noise to drown out her thoughts. She let the gelding trot out of the front gate and onto the street. It was quiet in the early morning, all of London appeared asleep. There was a light fog in the air, and as she turned her horse towards Hyde Park she felt herself finally relax into the saddle.

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