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'and extremely hot too'

that made you blush like mad.

but, even though you were blushing, no way in hell would you let him see it.

"can you just focus on your work." you said.

jungkook beamed a smile, before looking back at his work.

"anything you say pretty noona!"

you rolled your eyes at that comment, yet you knew damn well it made your cheeks tint.

the both of you continued working on your individual work, however jungkook did try to constantly get your attention by asking you to tech him different questions,

and finally, it was the end of detention.

the detention teacher walked in a few minutes before, sitting down on the teacher's table using his phone.

he indicated it was the end of detention, and went to take your student cards, while the both of you pack up.

jungkook packed his bag relatively quickly, then sat on his table, watching you.

"noona let's go eat." jungkook asked,

"no." you replied almost immediately, while zipping your bag.

"whyyyy?" jungkook asked while trying act all cute.

"you acting cute disgusts me, stop it right now." you answered jokingly.

"ahhh noona, but it's so early, let's go eat please!" jungkook asked yet again, this time dragging the 'please'.

you sighed, thinking of an excuse.

"i have no money."

"that's fine noona, as a man i'll pay!"

you gave a sarcastic chuckle, "a man?"

jungkook nodded proudly,

"nah, you're like a boy, a baby even."

your eyes slightly widened at what you just said.

no way did i just call him a fucking baby.....

you looked away, pretending you thought there was nothing wrong with what you just said, as you saw jungkook in the corner of your eye, shocked at what you said as well,

but it soon turned into a huge smile, and he chuckled .

"a baby? noona, you're calling me a baby?" he asked mockingly, while trying to get you to look at him.

you were way too tense and awkward to answer him, it's been ages since your last interaction with a boy and you even called him a baby?

god, the situation was way too awkward, you carried your bag and look towards him.

you decided to just play along,

"yea, a baby."

"but i'm a man already!" he retaliated.

it was silent for two seconds before he continued.

"ah noona, is this your way of telling me you'd take care of me? i get it now." he cheekily said with a smile.

you looked at him in absolute horror and slapped his shoulder,


jungkook held his shoulder and gave a fake pout, "it hurts noona!"

"yea that's for saying so much nonsense, brat!"

you tried slapping him again but he moved away, you tired chasing him but he kept dodging, until you heard a cough from the door.

crap, and there he was, standing at the door watching the both of you, your detention teacher.

"aren't you graduating next year? still playing chase in the detention room?" the detention teacher asked.

you felt embarrassed, why do teachers in this school love humiliating you like this?

"i won't do it again, sir." you mumbled, hoping he heard you.

"and you, how long ago did you start your first day? already getting detention?" the detention teacher now asked jungkook.

you looked at jungkook in the corner of your eye and you could tell he had no answer to the question.

"uhm, i won't do it again too, sir!" he answered, exactly the way you did.

the detention teacher gave the both of y'all a look, before walking towards the desk in front of the both of you to give your student cards.

"thank you." you said, taking your card and speeding off.

"remember, no leaving of school during school hours!" the detention teacher reminded you once again, you turned around to acknowledge him abd quickly walked off.

jungkook followed closely behind you, all the way to the stairs.

you turned around abruptly to look at him, "i have to study today, so i'm busy. bye." you blurted, quickly turning around to walk down the stairs.

"ahh, another time then noona!" while looking down at you rushing down the stairs.


"ahh another time then noona!"

after seeing your figure disappear, he started walking down slowly, smiling to himself.

does that mean i secured a date?

he kept thinking about going out to eat with you, should he be shameless about it and text you to go eat with him? or should he ask again?

he smiled to himself yet again,

ahhh she's so cute...

he thought, walking home.


after dinner, jungkook went back to his room, preparing to do his homework.

however, he just couldn't stop thinking about going out to eat with you, after being alone with you for detention, he could tell he was nervous and some thibgs that he were saying made no sense.

he absolutely did not want that to happen again, especially since he told himself he would start creating opportunities to be alone with her.

he sat on his chair, staring at the ceiling for a good few minutes and sat up abruptly.

he quickly took his phone and opened up his text messages to text one his close friends that he made in this school.


help me 


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