Heeseung - Cute Fights

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You went home from work, exhausted from today's hectic work

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You went home from work, exhausted from today's hectic work.
Heeseung said he'll visit and that's why you tried to go home early.

However, your mood wasn't the best. Your periods coming up the corner and your tone wasn't that sweet at all.

In a few minutes, the door bell rang and you open the door for him.

He came in, making himself comfortable. You told him you're changing your clothes and went to the bedroom.

"Babe~~where's the ice cream that I put on the fridge?" He yelled. Since you're on the bedroom.

"Babe that's like almost more than one month already. You know how sensitive I am with foods and their expired dates." You replied.

"WHAT!? DOES THAT MEAN YOU THREW IT AWAY? I TOLD YOU I'LL EAT IT WHEN I COME VISIT!" He suddenly raise his voice without trying to.

"Are you yelling at me because I threw away your ice cream which is pass it's expiry date?" You came to the kitchen.

He felt sorry for the sudden yelling.
Feeling guilty, he lowered his eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm not that angry. It just came out all of a sudden." He apologized

"It's alright. I'm a bit tired today that's why my mood changed".

He extended his hand,
" let's go to the convenience store and buy some thing to eat for the night" he smiled.

You smiled back and hold his hand
" let's go":)

A/N : This one is a bit short:)

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