chapter 1-Welcome back

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Two years later Avril hasn't seen Connor since that day that he left for collage with her brother. But she still remembers their late night chats in the kitchen, that was the highlight of her summer back then.

That kiss has replayed in her mind so many times, She still remembers the feeling of his lips against hers. The way he touched her cheek. She could never forget him even after all these years he was still here in her thoughts.

No matter what she did, he would never leave her.

Today he was coming to visit again and she was so nervous and excited at the same time, what if he didn't remember her? that would be the worst thing that could happen that he doesn't remember the kiss.

I needed to stop questioning my self. That's when I hear two male voices in the foyer, it's him I know it is I can't mistake that voice for anyone. His voice has gotten deeper over the years but that British accent couldn't be mistaking.

I make my way down the stairs and I see Jake first "Hey sis" he says. I smile because my brother is back and for good this time he has just finished his senior year in collage, the same college I will be starting I took two years before I go to college because my mum wasn't well.

But she's getting better everyday now and Jake is back so I'm going to college at the age of 20. "Hey big brother I'm glad your back" I say as I wrap my arms around him.

He pats my back and says "are you okay Avril?" "oh I'm fine I just missed you" I say reassuring him that I'm good.

"How's mum?" he asks using his worry voice he always was a mummy's boy, he would do anything for her he felt awful that he couldn't look after her himself when he was at college.

But I told him that he didn't have to worry I was here.

"She getting better each day" I say believing my own words, in truth I just said that to not let him worry. These last two years were really tough on all of us the doctors didn't know what was wrong with her she was fatigue and wouldn't eat so it was my duty to make sure she ate.

Seeing my mum like that was awful and there was nothing I could do.

I was on verge of tears when Jake says "Hey Connor do you remember Avril? you met her two years ago"

Connor shifts his eyes to me "um yes Avril it's nice to meet you again" he says in that smooth voice of his as he brings out his hand to shake mine.

I look him in the eye but I don't see anything but friendliness behind that gaze I guess he's forgot about the kiss. why would he remember? he has probably kissed ton of girls why would he remember kissing me?.

My hopeless fantasy was just that a fantasy.

"Well I'll let you boys be" I say as I give Connor one last look there is something I see in his eyes like, I think it's sympathy he must of saw how sad I was when I was telling how mum was to Jake.

I give him a small a smile and make my way back to my room and close my door shielding me from doing something crazy like kiss Connor that would be the worst mistake I could make since he doesn't remember anything about two years ago.

I'm sitting on my bed on my laptop typing a message to a friend the only friend who knows about Connor, Kelsey.

When I hear a knock on my door I look up from my laptop to see Connor's head poke through the door "can I come in?" he asks. I nod a invitation for him to enter my room.

I'm so confused why is he here? he starts to wonder around the room and I feel so self conscious of how it looks my clothes are lying on the floor and to my complete horror one of my bra's is hanging on a lampshade. How did it get there? I reach for it and throw it under my bed before Connor see's it.

That was a close one "can I help you?" I say frustrated that he is seeing all my private things my posters my drawings up in my wall.

"I've never been in your room" he says stating a fact. "Why are you here now?" I ask "I just wanted to see if you were okay" "I'm fine" I say as I open my door indicating he can leave now.

He walks up to me but doesn't walk pass me instead he closes the door with both his hands either side of the door trapping me. "What are you doing Connor?" I question his actions.

He leans close and whispers in my ear "meet me in the kitchen tonight at 12pm you know just like old times" I look at him in surprise as he gazes into my eyes and smiles and there's that dimple that I love.

His gaze and that beautiful smile can't help but send flutters to my stomach.

"I'll be waiting" he says as he removes his hands from either side of the door releasing me from his trap. I step out of the way as he opens up the door to leave he slowly closes the door but before he closes the door completely.

He pokes his head through again and says "By the way you look beautiful today" as he winks and closes the door completely.

He called me beautiful, wait he remembers the late night chats and he wants to start them again. Knowing this made me so happy I couldn't conceal the massive smile that took over my face.

The warm feeling in my stomach that he still liked me, that he still wanted to pick up what we started two years ago. Maybe we could be something I guess I'll have to wait out and see.

That's chapter 1 of you're always in my heart please don't forget to vote and comment if you loved it. Thanks for the support.

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