chapter 2- old times

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Two minutes to 12am, I was pacing in my room, he could already be down stairs. The thought of going down there it scared me but it was also exciting. What would happen would we talk like old times, would he kiss me?

The nerves were coming back again, I feel my chest rise as I place my hand over my heart it is beating rapidly. I needed to stop worrying before I hyperventilated.

I got to face the music I make sure I look my best as I look in mirror then take a few steps to my door on my way to the kitchen.

Walking down the stairs takes longer than usual as I try to bide my time. I'm on the last stair when I turn the corner and there he is sitting on a chair, with both his elbows on the table as he holds his face and stares down.

I'm halfway in the kitchen and he still hasn't noticed me that's when I sit down and he looks up and smiles. Which infact makes me smile to so were both smiling at each other.

If anyone walked in now they would think were crazy but us smiling at each other it feels so natural, like I could do that everyday.

I speak first "So how's college been?" casually starting a conversation.

He gives me a look that's asking is this really what you want to talk about?.

but he answers anyway, "it's been good you know work and party's" "It sounds so fun I'm actually going to the same college in a week" I say.

"Really Jake didn't mention that" he says curious "well I don't tell my brother everything, he knows I'm going to college but I didn't say when"

"Well I do know that you don't tell your brother everything are else he would of kicked my arse for kissing you"

I laugh, Connor looks confused "what are you laughing at?" he says curious.

"I'm sorry it's just the way you said arse, it sounded so funny in your accent." I keep giggling "god I'm sorry I shouldn't be laughing" as I try to calm my self down.

"Are you making fun of my accent Avril?" says Connor jokingly.

I shake my head "no" but I burst out laughing again. I can't help it. "would you stop laughing please" he pleads with me as he starts laughing himself.

"okay, okay" I say

"I've missed your laugh" he says as he smiles and the dimple appears. I don't know what comes over me but I reach out my hand and poke it.

He stares at me I'm so embarrassed so I pull my hand back but he grabs it before I have a chance, and pulls me closer until I'm sitting on his lap. This escalated really quickly.

He places his hand on my waist holding me in place, were so close I could feel his breath on my lips so warm and minty. It took everything in me not to kiss him right then.

He places his warm hand on my cheek and I lean into it. He leans in and pulls me closer until are lips are touching we stay like that for a few seconds breathing each other in are foreheads together.

"I missed you" he says finally and crashes his lips to mine.

He positions me until I'm straddling him on the chair, I place my hand at the back of his neck as he deepens the kiss and slips his tongue through my lips.

I could feel that kiss everywhere down to my toes. I wrap my legs tighter around him, he places both his hands on my waist I can barely breath.

We break are kiss to catch are breaths, were both panting as we gaze into each others eyes we lean in again for round two.

The feel of his lips against mine is so perfect, he runs his hands from my waist up my back and his hand goes under my top the sensation of his warm hand touching my skin I groan in his mouth.

My eyes are closed but I feel a brightness through them we break the kiss and open are eyes, the lights are on and Connor is looking passed me with his eyes wide.

I look back and I stare at the shocked face of my brother who is looking at me in Connor's lap.

oh shit....

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