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Avril will always remember the first time she first saw Connor; it was a late morning June. Her mum told her the day before that Jake her older brother was coming home from college, but what she failed to mention was that he was not coming alone. Well I don't actually think my mum knew either so I cannot blame her for not informing me of are guest. She sits on the grass reading her favourite book After she loved this book series, she had read every book now, she was rereading. she hears a car pull up and looks up from her book she see's Jake's car pulling up to the driveway he must be back early she thinks.

She goes to hug her brother she hasn't seen him in 3 months, she runs up to the car and Jake gets out of the driver seat, but another guy gets out of the passenger seat who is that she thinks?. Jake pulls her out of her thoughts when he says "hey Avril its been months how have u been?" before I reply I hug him I have missed him so much. When he lived at home, we would talk all the time he was more like a best friend than my brother he was there when I needed him. As I pull away from the hug I look over to the guy, then back at my brother "I'm good hanging in there" I joke. Then Jake realises he has not introduced his friend to her "oh right this is Connor my friend from college, his family is on vacation he will be staying with us for a while", "hey" says Connor.

I look up at the sound of his voice and stare at the most emerald green eyes I have ever seen, their beautiful. He smiles and I catch my breath that smile could light up a whole room. His hair light brown and messy in that boyish way. He is so tall; I have to look up at him. My gaze wonders to his body and I can't help but notice his muscles bulging from his t-shirt he looks like an athletic guy maybe on the football team. I shift my eyes to his face again and notice that he's staring at me and smiling and for the first time since I met him I notice a dimple on his left cheek just one dimple when he smiles and it's so adorable.

Oh, Avril remembers that he said hey she was being rude ogling him like that and not saying anything. "hey" I say back "You're Avril, Jake's sister I have heard a lot about you" he says I blush Jake talks about me to his friends I did not know that. "Really? all good I hope" I joke, and Connor laughs, and I see that cute dimple again which in return makes me smile. "Yes, all good" Connor says. "Well it's nice to meet you Connor". I say politely and I reach out my hand he shakes it and says, "you too". His voice is so smooth and deep, and I am getting a hint of an accent British maybe. Jake is still standing there not even inviting his guest into the house, so I guess I will do that. "Are you British?" I say suddenly "yes I am indeed it must have been my accent that gave it away", "yeah, um Jake aren't you going to invite your guest into the house?"

"Yeah sorry come in", Connor and Jake make their way to the front door and I follow because I was to curious about this guy. Did he have a girlfriend? I wanted to know all about him. Wait what was I talking about I am 18 and he is older than me that is ridiculous. We were making are way to the kitchen and I asked if Connor wants a drink and he smiles again and nods wow that smile alone is going to kill me he is so gorgeous. This cannot be happening I cannot be crushing on my brother's friend this has never happened before well thats because Jake has not been friends with hot guys. Do not get me wrong some were average it's just I never developed a crush on any of them.

I needed to get over this stupid crush because he is staying at the house, I cannot be crushing on him just no I will get him out of my head. For those few days I stayed out of Connors way it was all going good until I went to the kitchen one night for a midnight snack and he was there making a sandwich I guess we both had the same idea. He looked up from what he was doing and smiled it gave me butterflies every time he showed that beautiful smile of his.

"Avril, right?" he says "yeah" I say with a steady voice.

"Jake talks really highly of you ,you're his favourite person", "really I just thought I was his annoying little sister" I say as I smile "you're more than that" he says as he looks into my eyes, before he finishes making his sandwich and leaves the kitchen. I am left standing there stunned why would he say that does Connor see me as more than just his friend's younger sister?. Every night after that we would meet each other at the kitchen and we would talk and over time he became one of the few people I trusted I told him everything but those feelings never went away and they were getting deeper every moment we spent together I was in the danger of falling for him. The night before he had to leave to go back to college they were talking about their plans for the future when Connor looked into her eyes and started to lean closer he cupped her face in his hands she still remembers the warm feeling he gave her as he brought his lips to hers it was a sweet kiss the feel of his warm lips against hers was so perfect,he broke the kiss but didnt lean away he leaned closer and whispered in her ear "I wanted to do that the moment I saw you" those words sent shivers down her spine he wanted to kiss her but she had no idea.

Using all the courage she could muster "why didnt you" she says slowly. "Well for first your brother was right there I dont think he would be happy if I went up and kissed his sister in front of him" I laugh "yeah that would make a bad impression", "exactly" he says as he laughs with me. "He would have punched you" I interject "To rightly he would" he says in that smooth British accent of his. "Have I mentioned that I love your accent" I suddenly say "once are twice" he says as he leans in for another kiss. The next day we had to say are goodbyes, I give him the biggest hug Jake didn't think much of it because he knew me and Connor were becoming friends and I also give Jake a hug so he wouldn't get suspicious. The goodbye was heart-breaking I wanted to cry but I smiled and waved as their car drove away.

That was the last time I saw him until now.

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