Well shit

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"Well this turning out to be shity 3 months" said jaune arc why you ask cause after he saved cardin from being a ursas chew toy cardins goes tells everyone about my transcripts and how he had to save me from the ursa and within 2 short days the entire student body of beacon was against me even my own team and team rwby turned on me shit with friends like this who really needs enemies.

Ruby was the first to approach me yelling at me about how we were suppose to be friends and friends don't hide secrects from each other and that i should of trusted her yang punched me in the gut and sent me to the floor i was clear she wanted to do for damage but she said a loser like me wasn't worth it and simply told me to stay away from ruby Weiss told me that a pathetic piece of trash like would never get a date with ever and i should leave Blake didn't say anything but the glare full of hate said everything that needed to be said she hated my very being nora told me i was no longer there fearless leader ren simply sucker me telling me to stay away from nora pyrrha was by the worst yelling at me at the top of her lungs that she couldn't believe that she fell in love with a faker and liar and that i was failure as a huntsman and will be a failure at life. And to top off this week shitstorm my family found out about my transcripts and FUCKING!!!!!! disowned me telling me to hand over the family sword Crocea Mors as soon a possible. Yea this whole week has been a real shit show on top of that i been sleep on the roof of the school for the last 3 months aswell luckily it hasn't rained yet but there has been small bits of fortune to come my way i was smart enough to by a replacement wepon before my primary wepon was taken a simple katana nothing really flashy about it but been doing good work me.

So now i sit here reflecting on all the shit thats happened and i bet your woundering how come i just dont pack bags and take the stroll down washout lane. Simple im to stubborn to quit if i quit then everything that people have been saying about me will be true and I'm here to prove people wrong that i will never back down and never quit so I've been training hard with my katana even went to the library to find books on advanced sword fighting and im not gonna lie my katana feels souch better in me hands than my old sword and shield combo it feels i been training with it for years. The only reason why i used sword and shield is because it was arc family tradition and when i came to beacon thats all i knew so i to keep going with. But now i am a free man and i been training in secret since this shitshow went early mornings and late at night and I've noticed that I've been getting stronger faster and smarter over the last few months and a insanly fast pace i dont if its becuase im some secret prodigy which i highly doubt or its my semblance i don't know and i dont care but im gonna ride train for all it's worth and since students are on a 1 month break i can push my self to the absolute maximum because when cause everyone comes back from the break there about to get a real shock to the fucking core so watch out beacon your about to get shook to core cause im done hiding my abilities so i say LET'S ROCK BITCHES

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