The thruth will set you free

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(Jaune P.O.V)

Well it been a good couple a weeks so far my grade in combat class has gone since revealed my new skills. I've gone from dead last in class to a few spots down from middle of the pack so not to shabby  my other classes are going my grades are on a slow but steady increase. My teachers are glad that I'm still putting in effort despite all the bullshit thats been happening to me. And now when i walk down the halls instead of glares of hate and snears and people wispering insults behind my back now everyone is giving me weird looks trying to figure out how i god so good so quickly even Mrs.Goodwitch looks at with confusion and suspicion well good luck trying to figure it out you whack ass Bitches.


Now im sitting here at dinner in the cafeteria and people still giveing the weird looks hell even team ruby and npr are looking at me like a grew a second head like seriously a guy gets a little skill and all of a sudden im looked like a freak its official i just cant win with these so they can kindly SUCK THE SHINNIEST PART OF MY NUT SACK YOU LITTLE SHITS. Ok jaune calm down i take a deep breath and suddenly the doors to the cafeteria up to reveal professor Ozpin and Mrs. Goodwitch well i get the feeling some shits about to go down. Professor Ozpin walks to the front of the and stands there.

Ozpin- good eveing students ive come shed some light on what really happened in the foreverfall forest with jaune and cardin a few months ago.

RS1- what do you mean professor everyone knows what happened jaune faked his way into beacon without any formal training putting not only himself but his team in danger and when he was about to get killed cardin and his team saved him and ecposed him for being a weaking,failure and liar the real question is why you let him stay here knowing full well everything he's done.all the students are yelling in agreement.

Ozpin- if he was such a weakling as you say the how come his grade in combat class has from deadlast to middle of the pack which means he has been winning multiple spars against his classmates

This caused alot of people to stop and think if jaune was weak as they claimed then how was he able to win all of a sudden people just dont get good out of nowhere the also caused teams rwby nrp to think they watched jaune go from a complete waste of space to someone who can handle most problems. His sword were way and more fluid and he got rid of his shield his hand-to-hand skills also took a major jump aswell may students couldn't but rethink there opinion of jaune might be wrong

Ozpin- well student since your all pondering the question i will just show what really happened in the forest.

When ozpin hit everyone was sitting jaws on the floor the saw team cardin and his team running away from a young ursa cardin ends up triping on a rock and the rest of his team didn't even try to save him the ursa was on cadin within minutes and cardin tried putting up a fight while he was on the ground but was a pitiful display at the the very most and to everyone's great shock it was jaune who came in and fought the ursa eventually killing by cutting off its head whenthe video ened no one knew what to say. Clearly jaune had the skills to fight still very rough around the edges but he skills were there.
RS2- so cardin basically lied to us

Ozpin- yes cardin has been lying to you all if the video is anything yo go by cardin is the a wealking and a coward and his team is even more cowardly becausevthey didnt even try to save there team leader basically leaving him to die if jaune hadn't step in

All the students turn there head to team CRDL with looks of anger and disgust cardin was getting angrier by the second he exposed the losers transcripts because he refused to be saved some weakling who couldn't even hold a sword properly that weakling was beanth him along with th rest of these disgusting filthty faunus that go to beacon and he and his team were willing to put them in there place

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