Shit just got complicated

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Now we start our story with professor ports class where is telling us another story from his youth which jaune was pretty sure was 90% bullshit. So jaune sits leaning back in his chair dana and nera completely passed out ever so lightly snoring veronica is reading her poetry book. Once class finally ended and after waking nera and dana we head to lunch once lunch was over with we headed to combat class we saw some of the lower ranked and mid ranked students go at it but the next match was quite the surprise

Prof Goodwitch: Now our final match will be jennie arc vs veronica sparda

People were were quite shocked at the names for the final spar but was expecting a very good show both jenny and veronica went to get there wepons and and made there way to the sparing circle

Jennie: so your one of my disgrace of a brothers new teamstes


Jennie: i honestly feel sorry for you to have to be on the same team as him instead of being on strong team with a real leader

Veronica:are you really going to just stand there and talk or are you going to fight

Well that seemes to shut her up pretty quick veronica as been watching jennie in spars and the way she interacts with her team and others and lets just say if she ever found Jennie in a dark ally by herself wouldn't hesitate to cut her down. As mrs.goodwitch announced the start of the spar jennie rushed veronica with impressive speed but jaune was much faster so this was nothing she couldn't handle jennie came with a horizontal slash which veronica manged to block with ease jennie tried attacking again only to be blocked again and for a good minute and a half Jennie would use all her skill to attack veronica but she would either block dodge or counted and when she counted she counted with extreme precision after taking a step to re think the situation jennie glanced up at the aura meters she was almost in the yellow and veronica still had all her aura she realized that Veronica was good very good like scary good might even be better than Pyrrha but then there was something else realised that started to really piss her off

Veronica never drew her sword

And the the more she thought about it the more she realized that in all the time she has seen veronica spar she has never drawn her sword once she has spared all the members of team rwby and beaten them and she has spared against Pyrrha,ren and nora in a 3v1 and still didn't draw her sword that infuriated jennie to know end she wasn't taking her seriously treating her as some type of warm-up instead of a worthy opponent

Jennie:why haven't you drawn your sword yet


Jennie:ANWER ME DANMIT!!!!!!!!

veronica:(sighs) it's simple your not a worthy opponent


Veronica:did i stutter


Veronica:this spar says otherwise

Jennie was now seeing red how dare this nobody tell her that she is unworthy her jennie arc prodigy of the arc family. Jennie decided to charge forward and her the power of the arc family she started swinging with wild attacks trying to take veronicas head off for her disrespect but veronica sees every strike coming and dodges them all in a graceful fashion and started to deliver brutal counter strikes that had jennies aura in the red

Goodwhich: and thats the match veronica wins

Jennie couldn't believe it all her training was practically useless against her no matter what she did it was as if she could see everything coming before it was even thrown. Veronica simply put her wepon away and went to her seat

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