Cardin gets exposed

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Jaune was walking to cafeteria with a cool smirk on his face. Now i bet your wondering why our mp(main protagonist) is looking so happy well how would you feel when not only did you get a new team you got a team of three beautiful badasses. On top of that that they quickly rose to the top and are now considered the 3 most beautiful girls of all the first year girls. Which no doubt led to some serious jealousy especially with the guys. Jaune be catchin serious hate from the guys for being around his team all the time shit jaune thinks they hate me even more then when his transcripts were exposed. And the girls were jealous that every guy was staring at them like horny muts even guys that already had girlfriends were caught staring. Yep jaunes school life has gotten interesting but now we go to the cafeteria were its dinner time

Jaune: hey girls

Dana: hey did you just come back from training

Jaune: yea trying to get all those new gun tricks you taught me still cant hit the taget repeatedly

Dana:don't worry your pretty little head about it handsome took me some time to get it down to just take it one day at a time

Jaune:thanks so how are you ladies enjoying beacon so far

Veronica:well everyone has been nice so far and even though we've only been here a month we are considered the three most beautiful girls of all the first years

Jaune: i can believe it when you all walk down the hall all eyes are on you three combine with your combat efficiency and your good grades it you just seem so perfect

Dana: aww yes we are unbelievably awsome aren't we

Nera: we may look it but we are not perfect especially a certain someone(stares directly a dana)

Dana: what are you trying to say

Nera: do we need to go over the dana epic fail blooper reel

Dana: oh like your one to talk nera you definitely have more embarrassing moments than i do

While this little argument was taking place team rwby and jnrp were watching jaune and his team

Ruby: guys lets just face facts we screwed up

Blake: ruby is right we tossed jaune aside before we got any real details

Wiess: are you talking about that dolt does not belong here he cheated his way in remember

Yang: yea atleast jennie got in the right way

Jennie:yea so lets stop talking about that disgrace you have a real arc now

Ren: we all heard what your family did to jaune refusing to train him when beacuse he was having trouble with your family style and instead of talking about a alternative you all to just flat out stop training him all together

Jennie: that just means he wasn't a true arc and now that he is gone its up to me to clean our family name

Pyrrha: but he wouldn't have had to fake his way into beacon if your family wasn't so danm stubborn about him learning sword and shield

While the members of jnrp argued lets pop over to another table

Dove: man this blows how in the hell did jaune get so danm good

Sky: yea it doesn't matter how many there are 1v1 2v1 or 4v1 jaune has beaten us time and time again and his new team is even stronger than him

Russell: yea not to mention that there smokin hot to how did a loser score such a hot team

Cardin: i dont know but he doesn't deserve them like he doesn't deserve to be here at beacon so lets go take his girls and make him the loser he was ment to be all over again.

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