Shock the System

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Finally the the month break is over i can finally put all my hard work on display and get some sweet vengeance yep time to put some bitches in the dirt. Also i got a room to sleep in now apparently during the first week of the 1 month break headmaster ozpin knew that i was sleeping on the roof and and offered me a small room these rooms are used when teammates get into arguments and need space apart to cool down. Hey i dont how he knew i was trying to keep it on the DL but i reambered its ozpin he finds everything no matter how hard you try to hide something but anyways i took and i got to tell feels good to sleep in warm bed again


Combat class is finally here ive been waiting for months and now its time to shock the System. Now today class we will be having 1v1 sparing matches today professor goodwitch said a lot of students ready to showcase the tricks they learned over the past month. Now cardin since you haven't spared with anyone in class for quite some time please pick your opponet. Cardin stands up chest puffed out like the geastest thing to ever come into the world and stares directly at me. I want the faker said cardin with his arrogant smile present the students were already calling this a esay win for him or  murmuring about how he should challenging someone with actual talent but he didn't care and went to get his mace and armor i stand up and heads to get my katana. I come back and cardin waiting for me i step into the arena.Hey jauneboy since I'm such a nice guy how about i give you a free shot how bout it cardin said causing the class to laugh at me cause they are probably expecting some weak attack or for me to get scared and start trembling in fear but i just stare at not saying a word. This causes everone to look at me with a little bit of shock probably cause they expect to shot or get angy and say something stupid but say nothing and just draw me sword

Yep everone seems quite surprised by my new sword wondering how a loser like me got my hands on such nice sword cardin saw the new but didnt care think i didnt know to use it

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Yep everone seems quite surprised by my new sword wondering how a loser like me got my hands on such nice sword cardin saw the new but didnt care think i didnt know to use it."what you think cause you got a new you think your hot stuff now well you not srcew a free im bashing you in to the ground now" cardin said. " well let this match BEGIN" Goodwitch shouted and cardin shot towards me mace raised high ready to strike to bad he is slower than a three legged cow in quicksand cause i was ready in cardin got with striking range i easily side steped him and a horizontal slash to his exposed back cause cardin to fall to the floor. The look on everyone faces was priceless cardin got up and turned to me with a shocked looked that quickly turned to anger thinking i just made look foolish in front of  everyone charging again i simply side steped all of his attacks after about 5mins of doging a got quickly and decided to finish him with a battle cry cardin charged again with every thing he had again side around him to where i am behind him and cardin manged to turn around just in time to catch a me saying " seven strike sword dance" and in seven powerful and fast slashes it was all over cardins aura shield broke and he fell to the floor unconscious. The schock was cause everyone had there jaws on the  floor trying to figure how the worst huntsman in training mange to win in there minds it was impossible me to win(you assholes thought i couldn't win well you all can go eat a bag of dick cause i ain't losing to this little bitch anymore) i thought to myself i left the sparing circle mrs goodwitch came out of shock and declared me the winner.

After combat class i went to lunch cause ya boy was hungry. While i was eat i noticed that everone was staring at me and murmuring to themselves i guess the faker beating cardin seems to have spead like wildfire. Well i really dont care cause this is just the start i still want to be huntsman and i will push past my limits everyday until i make that a reality but sometimes i cant help but think about everything that's happened so far it still hurts that my team turned on me without even letting me explain it still hurt that my that always went on about never turning there back on family disowned without a second thought yea hypocrisy is real anound here but whats done is i can't change the past i can learn from it

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