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"How....how do you feel now. That everything's over. And you're alright..." asked Tewksbury. "We'll. I'm alright. And now you're sort of an important person in your family. Aren't you?" You said. "Yes, but that won't change anything. Will it?" He asked. "No. Not at all." You said. "So. Is everything okay with your family now. Are you able to go to your home?" He asked. "Yes!! Actually, my family chose to invite you to a fancy restaurant. Today. If you would like to come.." you asked. He nodded. "When will I be able to go to your home?" He asked. "Soon...soon. Tewksbury." You said. "Now, about the bill. I'm voting, like you know. Now nobody can stop me. Not even my own grandmother, who dared to sacrifice her own family.." he said. "Well. You're voting tomorrow, aren't you?" You asked. "Yes, yes I am." He said. Both of you were together walking down the streets. "Should we send a letter to Enola. And tell her we aren't friends anymore? And, I guess that we're instead together. As a couple?" Suggested Tewksbury. "Yeah, but it wouldn't be surprising for her. She knew all along. That we'll eventually end up together." You told him. "Well. Just hope. Chloe. Doesn't walk by these streets. Or else. She'll be screaming like a lunatic. Once she sees me with you." He said. "Why is that, Tewksbury?" You asked. "Because....she would call you. Hideous. Or ridiculous. I didn't like that." He said. "You should've ignore it." You said. "And for me to be the villain? No? Plus, I extremely disliked her calling you that. And I disliked HER." He said. "Anyways, at what restaurant. And at what time.." he asked. And smiled.
You arrived at the restaurant. Along with your family...you sat down at the table. You still didn't see Tewksbury walk in, with his own family. Who you had invited later. Few minutes passed by. "Where's your friend, dear. Tewksbury?" Your mother asked. "Mother. He isn't a friend. He's someone I'm currently dating. But he was a friend of mine. Until now." You said. "Well...I thought he was your friend...I sometimes forget, which people are you friends. And which people you're not friends with." She said. "What did you say he was?" Your father asked. "He's Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether." You asked. "Isn't that nice." Your father said. You saw Tewksbury come along with his own family. Except his. Grandmother. And sadly, his father. He smiled at you, and gave you the look to come. "Mother. And Father. Tewksburys here." You said. You walked over to Tewksbury. And you introduced yourself to his Mother. Even though you've, been friends with Tewksbury for a long time. You've never seen his Mother. Only at the train station. You didn't know it was her though. You introduced yourself to the rest of his family. They all walked to the table. "Hello sir. I'm Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether." He said and shook your fathers hand. "Glad to meet you...never in my life would I imagine to meet someone like you. Today in 1884..." your father said. Tewksbury nodded. He introduced himself to your mother. And the rest of your family. The both of you sat together. It was a large table. You both sat at the end of it. Together. Near other family members that weren't your parents. "Y/N...." he said. "Yes?" You said. "You know we don't have to act this ridiculous when our parents are around." He said. "Huh?" You said. "I mean that we don't have to act like we're the higher class. Let's just leave this place." He added. "Agreed.." you said. He stood up. None of the people at the table seem to care and kept laughing and talking. Eating. You also stood up. Both of you left the restaurant. It was night time. "I like that we're escaping from that place!" You said. "I know!!! It's going to be fun!!" He said. Both of you were running but stopped to laugh. He took of his coat. "Won't you be cold?" You said. "Who cares? Honestly! We're escaping from that restaurant. And we're alone." He said. "I have an idea. We should go to my house. And stay there!!" You said. "Should we ask for a carriage?" He said. "I'm not sure. I mean it is pretty dark outside.." you said. "I'll fetch us a carriage." He said. And he did. Few minutes later you two were already inside a carriage heading to your house. "Tewksbury." You said. "Yes?" He said. "Since when have you liked me?" You asked. "Since forever...of course. I had to act like it wasn't obvious because I didn't want to act like a weird person. Just looking at you. I was your friend. So I had to pretend like I wasn't interested in you. Basically. And. I had to talk to you like a very distant friend who rarely even talks to you, the first time we saw each other on the train...because again, I didn't want to make it obvious." He said. "You won't act, serious like that. Will you?" You asked. "No. Of course not." He said. And then have a sad look. He was sad about something. You knew what he was sad about. "Are you okay?" You said. "No. Not at all. Does it look like I'm okay?" He suddenly said Beginning to get a voice crack. "But what'd you expect? I got shot. By my own grandmother!!! It's horrible! My father got killed perhaps by her! And tomorrow!!! Tomorrow! I have to vote to pass the bill. What if someone else wants to kill me??!! How'd you feel if you were being chased." He added. "Don't talk to me like you did in your first sentence, Tewksbury. But don't forget I was being chased too...mainly because I chose to stick beside you. Rather then leaving you alone and denying to help you the first time I saw you on the train!!" You said. He stayed silent. "Fine then." He said. "Let's just...finish this conversation. We've just started dating and we're already arguing.....And I don't like arguments. To be honest...especially arguments That don't even make sense. So I'll tell the man to leave us back at the restaurant. And we'll go separate ways. From there."  He said. He yelled stop. So the man did stop. The horses stopped. He got off to tell the man to take you two back to the restaurant. He sat back down inside. "You know you didn't have to do over a stupid supposedly argument. It wasn't even an argument." You said. "Then should I-?"
"Don't do it. I'll do it because clearly you need some time to relax." You said. And you went to yell "stop." And tell the driver to instead, again drive to your house. You went back inside. "I'm really sorry. For acting stupid right, it's just. I'm hurt. Yesterday. Was a nightmare." He said. "I understand. I can't imagine dealing with a betrayal." You said. "Especially it being your own family." You added. Few minutes later you arrived. You walked out. "You live here?" He said. "Of course I do.." you said. Tewksbury, was seeming to forget about the fact that he was sad. He was beginning to cheer up. "No ones here?" He said. "In my house? No there not. Do you not remember we left them back at the restaurant." You said. He smiled. "Yeah. I remember." He said. You unlocked the door. You walked in. Tewksbury wasn't walking in though. You sighed. He wasn't coming in. "Would you like to come in?" You said. "Don't know....." he said. You pulled him in. You closed the door. "Tewksbury. You're in." You said. "I'm aware of that y/n." He said looking around. "Like it?" You said. He nodded. "Where's your room?" He asked. "Oh. Follow me." You said. You walked up stairs, with him following behind you. You opened the door to your room. He walked inside. "Wow...is this something I should worry about?" He said. "What? Is your room bigger, Tewksy? Or should I call you, Viscount Tewksbury." you said as a joke. "It is bigger." He said. "Of course it is. You live in a whole palace." You said. "I know." He said. "What do you want to do now?" You said. He looked at you. "What." He said. "I asked you, what do you want to do now?" You said. He smiled. "Don't act ignorant. You know." He said. "Say it." You said. "I want to kiss you? There I said it...either way you can't blame me. We're alone." He said. "Fine." You said, and surprisingly pulled him closer to you. And he looked at you in the eye. And Instead, began kissing you on the neck. And then up to your lips. Gently. Though. He stopped, and smiled. "You're parents aren't coming? Are they?" He said. "You're asking me like, I know the answer. I don't know when they'll come back from the restaurant." You said. "Well. I'll have you know that I don't think I want to get caught inside your room y/n." He said. "Why?" You asked. "Because I...because what if my Mother. And the rest of my family. Who for sure aren't on my Uncle or Grandmothers side. Come. With your family and parents. And then ask where both of us are." He said. "Then we'll put up an excuse doesn't matter. Does it?" You said. He smiled. "Great idea..." he said. He cupped your face. And again, continued to kiss you. But this time it was more of a passionate kiss.

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