Let it happen

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"I said I shouldn't have kissed you..." he said. "But why?" You said. He stood up, and so did you. "Because— because I'm not ready. To be with you." He said, lying.
Williams POV: "yet, you still made out with me Tewksbury." Y/N, said. I know this is hurting y/n's feelings, but I have to do so. I would like to be with y/n. But I just can't right now, I can't be snogging with a person...who's my friend. Because what if we break up? And our friendship gets ruined. How horrible will that be? I guess I'll have to lie about it, and move on. Or date someone else...
Back to your POV: "sorry." He said, rejecting you. You didn't respond, and you just opened the door and walked downstairs. "What are you doing?" He asked. Walking behind you. "Did you forget we heard noises?" You said. "I did.." he said. You both were now in the kitchen. "We shouldn't have been kissing to be honest." You said. "So you agree with me." He said. "Yes. I do." You said. "But what really matters right now, is which family member is trying to kill you...." you said. "Enola has teached me lots of things along side her mother-
"What does Enola have to do with this?" He said. "Let me speak." You said. He rolled his eyes. "Tewksbury what is up with you. You kiss me passionately then reject me. As if you don't like me. And now you have an attitude?" You said.

"I don't understand

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"I don't understand. Can we please not talk about such things!! Seriously!" He said. "Let's just talk about what we're trying to do, with people wanting to kill me!!" He added. In the corner of your eye you saw a man, your first reaction was to hit them. And escape. So that's what you did. "Run." You said. "What?" He said.

"I SAID RUN!!" You said

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"I SAID RUN!!" You said. "I'M LISTENING!" He said. "Who the hell was that?!" He added, as you were running upstairs. "Enola's brother's friend." You said. "You mean your cousins?!!!" He said. "I don't like calling Sherlock or Mycroft my cousins or else people will use me!! Now let's stop talking about that! And let's try to stop this man?!! Alright?" You yelled. You moved the dresser infront of the table. "I don't think we'll be able to keep it close this LONG!!!" You yelled. "Go to the window over there!" You added.

"But what about you? You're not going to stay here right?!!" He said

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"But what about you? You're not going to stay here right?!!" He said. "No!? Just go for now, and I'll meet you there! Alright!!!?" You yelled. "How about I go first instead of you, because I'm not going to let you get injured again, because your hand must really hurt-
"go!!! I BEG YOU! GO!!!" You yelled. He looked at the window and looked back at you. He nodded, and ran to the window and left. You let go of the drawer and ran. You got to the window. And closed it. You then ran. You were now on top of the roof. "What are we going to do now?!!!" He yelled, tired. You looked at the window. "We have to go..come on!" You said, and grabbed his arm. You saw a ladder, that took you to a balcony. You pointed at it. "There!!" You said. And you climbed down the ladder and go to the balcony. "Is there another ladder?!" He asked. "Yes!! It'll take us to the second balcony. And from there, that balcony has a ladder. And it'll take us to the floor!!" You said. "Great idea!!" He said. You climbed down the other ladder, and then once you got the second balcony. You took that ladder and climbed down. You finally got down. You and Tewksbury, were really tired. And exhausted. Both of you were breathing really heavily. "We almost got catched..." he said. "I know!" You said. "At least we still have each other, right??!" He said. You nodded. You looked around. "We have to leave this place. And look for a better hide out. Immediately." You said. "Right.." he said. "I can ask my friend. She can help us!" He added. "Right....your friend..where is she?" You said. He grabbed your hand. And began pulling you. "She was near this place.." he said. "Oh." You said. He then found her. She had brown hair. Hazel brown eyes. Very pretty. "Hello, Henry!" The girl said. "Henry?" You said, he looked at you. And whispered, "shhh....." he said. He looked back at the girl, and smiled. "Do you know...any place where me and my friend can stay at?" He said. "Together?" She said. He nodded. "Yes, we're just not really from here. And, I thought you could maybe help us...darling." He said. "DARLING???????!!!! WHAT?" You thought. She nodded. "Oh, well....maybe I know a place. Would you like me to tell the owner, if he could rent you a room? Along with your friend?" She said. "That'll be excellent, yes." He said. "Great. I'll be back. Don't worry." She said, and walked away. He looked at you. "Wow. You've never spoken to me like that and you're my friend?!!!" You said. "I did it so she could give us a room." He said. "Then why'd she call you Henry? That's not even your real name Tewksbury." You said. "And I thought I was the stupid one..." he said. "How dare you call me stupid? Tewksbury!!!!" You said. "I just saved your life. And you call me stupid? Pardon me?" You added. "Stupid....and nice. And very helpful. And brave." He added. "Whatever, when's your ridiculous new princess coming?" You said. He smiled and rolled his eyes. "I don't like her." He said. "Sure." You said. "But I don't really want to like you in a romantic way either.." he added. You stayed silent after that.
Williams POV: Obviously, I had feelings for y/n? But we've both never told each other face to face that we liked each other? Was it proper for me to keep that secret? That I liked y/n? No? But will I ever tell y/n, maybe? But right now...I can't really be with y/n, like I mentioned before. Although I wish I could. But I think like I previously mentioned too, I think I have to move on. And date someone else. I don't like Chloe. But I'll give her a chance. Although I'm not telling y/n that. But it does hurt telling y/n that I don't have feelings for (her/him/them etc.) when I really do. I hated breaking that kiss earlier, I'll have to forget that ever happened.

Back to your POV: the girl came back. She told you two where to go, he stayed back to talk to her. You didn't even care anymore, you just wanted to rest. And go to the room. Once you did, you saw two beds. You laid down on one. And fell asleep. It took you a while to sleep. Surprisingly, Tewksbury wasn't even back.
You both stayed in that room for a couple days, and Tewksbury would seem to become more distant. He now offered to leave to go buy food. Even though he was the one at risk of getting killed. If he left the house. When he asked if he could go get the food..you said "yes." But you warned him that you'll also be leaving. He seem to not really have listened and left quickly. You thought that was weird. So you just chose to leave right away too, maybe you can help him choose which food to buy. Right? You quickly got your money, and hid it somewhere.

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