One : Run

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"RUN!" All 5 boys ran as fast as they could. Loud growling was heard. The sliver haired male groaned in pain. Something sharp had entered his leg. A piece of glass was deep inside the male's leg. But, they couldn't stop running. Running depended on their lives right now, everything at stake.

"Over here!" The eldest tried his best to not yell as loud. They don't want the infected to notice them. The males ran into the apartment complex infront of them. They ran up the stairs, all of them out of breath. It didn't matter if they were tired, they just needed to be safe.

An old man looked at them as the eldest had trouble unlocking his room. He looked hungry, just to their surprise he was infected. The youngest had tears streaming down his cheeks. He was afraid, how could such a happy week turn into this?

The man charged at them, his mouth opening. He was about to bite them but they got inside the room just in time. The door was now locked, they boared it up with chairs and tables. "Huening-ah, it's okay. Come here." The raven haired male put his arms out as the youngest ran to him.

"Shhhh, it's going to be okay. We're safe now, okay?" The youngest nodded as he buried his face into his hyungs chest. The silver haired male groaned. His leg loosing more blood every second. "Tae-" Taehyun put his finger up infront of the other male's face.

"Q-Quiet." The raven haired male closed his mouth. He was worried for the younger. Taehyun put his hand down as he looked at his leg. The wound was bigger than he thought. His eyes widened, the blood was falling down quickly. When the others saw they started to panic.

"Hyun-ah, I'll get the first aid kit. Wait here." Yeonjun, the eldest ran to his bedroom. The others looked at Taehyun, they were so worried. He laughed quietly. "T-This is nothing. Don't w-worry." He gave a faint smile to the others.

Yeonjun came back with a new set of pants and a small white box. They assumed it was the first aid kit. He handed the pants to Taehyun and took out the supplies. "This is going to sting a bit." Taehyun nodded, Yeonjun quickly pulled the glass out and poured some alcohol on it.

Taehyun hissed in pain. It was, unbearable. His brows furrowed, the male's eyes were shut tightly. "I-Is hyung okay?" Hueningkai looked at Yeonjun while tightly hugging the raven haired male. "Huening-ah, he's fine now." Taehyun opened his eyes.

Lots of blood was on the floor, his leg was covered in blood too. He felt like puking, he hates looking at blood. Let alone hearing people talk about it. "Let's clean you up Taehyun-ah." Yeonjun took a wet cloth and cleaned the youngers leg.

Taehyun sighed in relief, he took the pants on the floor and put them on quickly. "You feeling better now Taehyun-ah?" Yeonjun looked at the younger with concern. He wants to make sure everyone is okay, even if it means that he would get hurt.

Taehyun nodded. "M-Much better, thanks hyung." He smiled, his dimple showing. Yeonjun smiled back, he's happy that his friend is better. "There's water in the fridge if you guys need any." Yeonjun got up and went to this room. The others went to get water.

Is this really what their lives have come to? They miss their old lives. They just want everything to return back to how it was.


that's it for the first chapter !! I know it's a bit short but I'll make it longer once we get back to the real chapter for this one :)

how is everyone's day?

I really hope everyone is doing well 🤩

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