Two : Alone

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          1 Week Before the infection

9:00 am.

The sun was shining brighter than ever. The black haired male sat down on the couch. He turned the TV on as he ate his cereal. The news was on, the soft crunches of the cereal was heard as the news reporter spoke.

"An infection is spreading rapidly! Don't go outside, it's too dangerous. Get as much food and water as you can. The symptoms are bleedimg from eyes or nose if they get exposed to the infected's blood or bitten. Please take this seriously! This is real and not a pran- AHH!" Her screams were heard along with the camera man's. Blood splattered onto the camera.

The black haired male turned off the tv. He ran his hand through his hair, a habit he has when he's scared or nervous. "This has to be a joke." He kept on telling himself.

His name is Yeonjun. An orphan, alone, has no friends, well that is except one person. The world is scary for a boy like him. 18 years old, in highschool, hates himself. He's done lots of things that made him hate himself even more but let's get back on track.

Yeonjun got up and went to the fridge. There was barely anything to eat. Quickly, he got his keys, wallet, and cap. He put his cap on as he left his apartment, locking it just to make sure no one comes in by any chance.

Yeonjun left the building he lives in. Sure it's pretty crappy but it's all he can afford. So what if it's small? He likes it there, kind of. Yeonjun left to his car, lots of people were looking from their windows. "They must've really taken this seriously."

He tsked, clicking his tongue. He put on his seat belt and started his car. 10 minutes, that's how far the nearest grocery is. Yeonjun gets annoyed when things take too long so he took the shortcut there.


Once he arrived, lots of people were outside. He went inside and got everything he needed. Instant foods, lots of water and juice, veggies, canned food, basically anything you need to survive in life. Other people would think that Yeonjun bought the whole store but he just eats, a lot.

Once he payed he left, taking all his things and putting it in the car. People were running everywhere. It was getting pretty annoying. Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "These people are so dumb." He mumbled to himself.

He drives back to the apartment building. Of course, taking the short cut. It was really quiet, it made him scared but he kept it in. Yeonjun took his groceries and went inside the building.

He took his time walking up the stairs to the 5th floor. He arrived to his room. His phone was ringing like crazy. Yeonjun answered the call, he didn't even check who called him.


"H-Hyung, it's me."

"Binnie? Are you okay?"

"N-No.. C-Can I stay with you? P-Please?"

"Sure Bin, if that's what you want."

"I-I'm on my way."

"Alright Binnie, be safe."

"O-Okay hyung..."

The call ended, Yeonjun already felt worried. Soobin is his best friend. Why did it sound like he was crying? Yeonjun took out a small bread pastry for Soobin. He knows how much the younger loves bread. It always cheers him up.

Hot chocolate with 14 mini marshmallows on top helps too. Soobin has had a habit of counting them to perfectly fit the top of the cup since he was 9. Yeonjun heard knocking on his door.

He quickly finished making the hot chocolate and put it on the table. Yeonjun went over to the door and opened it. Soobin appeared, he looked so sad. He had a suitcase with him, his eyes were puffy, red, and had dark eye bags.

"B-Binnie? What happened?" Soobin threw himself onto Yeonjun. The younger hugged him tightly. His face was buried into the older's chest. Yeonjun hugged Soobin back. He felt so bad for Soobin, he looked so sad.

"M-My dad found o-out..." Yeonjun frowned, he already knew what Soobin meant by that. It made him feel bad, it was probably his fault for hanging out with Soobin so much. Maybe if he had distanced himself from the younger then Soobin would've been better.

Yeonjun sighed as he took Soobin to the kitchen. "I made you some hot chocolate, just how you like it." Soobin took the hot cup and started counting the marshmallows. Yeonjun always thinks the other looks cute whenever he does this.

Soobin drank his hot chocolate slowly. Yeonjun patted on the chair besides Soobin. "Sit here Bin." Soobin quickly sat down, you could still see his tears streaming down his face. He looked so vulnerable, sad, just not himself.

Yeonjun handed the bread to Soobin. He already stuffed it in his mouth. This made Yeonjun soft. Yet, he felt like Soobin had been through so much after this. From all the thinking, Yeonjun hadn't noticed that Soobin had fallen asleep in the chair.

"He must be exhausted..." Yeonjun picked Soobin up and put him on his back. Yeonjun took Soobin to his room and laid him down on his bed. He wanted to make sure the other was comfortable, especially after what just happened.

Soobin could stay with Yeonjun for how long he wanted. Yeonjun wouldn't mind, as long as the younger was okay with him, then he's happy.


poor soobin :(

lots of angst will be to come for the next chapter 😔

I think I might just like this book more than any of my other ones 🐕‍🦺

I hope everyone is doing well, stay healthy and safe !!

I've been in Mexico for about 2 weeks so the wifi is basically shit 🙄

but I'll try my best to update every Wednesday since I have therapy on them

ily all besties !! :))

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