Chapter Twenty-Five

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North lets out a breath as she stares at the little image on the screen. An ultrasound. Her child. She's never gotten this far ever before. Never allowed to get to this point. Bruce adjusts the image slightly and then basically presses pause. Pulling away from North so she and Steve can get a good look at the image. Steve touches her arm and she looks up at him at her side. Bucky couldn't be here. Sent away on a last-minute mission with Natasha and Clint so Steve had stepped in to keep her company. She lifts her hand and touches his arm before turning back to look at the scan. They all know now why this is so important to her. Why she is so determined to not let anyone near her at the moment. Hydra were monsters. Bruce gives her a warm smile, she's starting to trust him, which is a good step in the right direction. He leaves the monitor on for them and gives them a moment alone, leaving the room. North stands and moves closer to the monitor for a better look at her baby. They don't have anything like this on Asgard.

"What do you think?" Steve asks her as he follows her. She taps at the screen and draws her finger over the little dark blob.

"It's....blobby" She comments, he laughs and nods. That is a pretty good descriptor. "Is that all there is?"

"Right now, yeah" He answers. "You'll notice as it goes on, it'll show its growth, show it growing....and forming into a baby" She looks at Steve.

"I never made it this far before" She whispers sadly, her hand finding her stomach, there is a slight bump but nothing too noticeable yet. "I would get to my monthly medical and they'd figure it out....before I could even....think about was gone" Steve touches her arm and she turns to him.

"No one will ever take this one away from you" He promises her, she looks up at him and nods a little. Sure in that herself. She curls into Steve's chest, his arms wrapping around her. That she knows she can seek comfort from him means a lot, considering their history. He brushes his fingers through her hair. That she feels comfortable enough to let her guard down with him. The room doors open and Bucky hurries in, he's not even changed from his mission, he's just come straight here to see them. He is quick to shake off his jacket and throws it aside before moving closer to the pair. Steve and North pull away from one another to look at him. Bucky gives them both an apologetic smile.

"Did I miss it?" He asks. He'd tried so very hard to get back in time for this appointment. He glances at the monitor and realises that he has missed it, but seeing that little blob on the screen, he doesn't care he missed it, because that's his kid, his baby. He steps closer to the screen and reaches out. "Is that? Is that...?" Steve nods and hums a little.

"Yeah" Steve answers and Bucky smiles.

"And everything is...?"

"Everything is fine" North assures him. Bucky lets out a little laugh and turns to look at the two of them.

"I tried to get here" Bucky offers.

"I know" North assures him with a small smile. Bucky was meant to be back yesterday, but missions overrun, people make it difficult to definitively say exactly when he will be back. It happens. Bucky touches her cheek and smiles softly at her. Something settled in them. The last few days. Planning and talking about North's pregnancy. The check-ups and consultations. It's been rather easy for Bucky and Steve to slip into that overprotective role with her. They both know how much this child means to North. How defensive of it she is going to be. She needs to know that she can trust the people around her. Which, weirdly enough, she does seem to do. Especially with the two super soldiers. She's let them in. As has Loki and Thor. They recognise the Asgardian customs regarding pregnancy and are relaxed and calm around North. It's always important in their culture that the mother is kept comfortable and calm. Carrying a child is a big deal on Asgard. Viewed as honourable as battle. Bucky pulls North closer to him and then he kisses her, his hand shifting to thread through her hair before he pulls back, shares a look with her before he turns her head towards Steve, his eyes flickering to his partner to convey a silent message. They've talked about bringing it up with North. Bringing up how Steve feels about her. They've been rather busy with the pregnancy but they have a quiet moment now. Steve searches North's eyes, she's a little confused as to whatever is happening but she's not scared or upset. There is something meaningful in her eyes. Reflecting his own feelings back at him. She is not as vocal or showy in emotions other than pain, so she finds it difficult to give him a firm answer right now, but he can see it in her eyes. Over the last months, her time here, she's come to care a great deal for him, and Bucky. And without Winter around, she's started adapting, to evolve, to move on from everything that happened to her, to accept her changing feelings for not just Bucky, but for Steve too. Steve leans closer to her, he nudges her nose before he kisses her too. Bucky's hands on their backs, his presence with them. Anchoring the three of them together. Bucky smiles and nods. This can work. The three of them together. It's going to take work and it is very much not going to be easy, but Bucky knows that they can do it. North pulls back from Steve and curls into his chest. Bucky joining her. Steve wraps his arms around the two of them, letting them rest against him. They can make this work. The three of them and a baby. Their own little family. They wouldn't be the first polygamous relationship, there are a few on the team, but they will be the first with a child thrown into the mix. But Steve knows they can do this. Bucky and North deserve this. They deserve to be happy after everything that Hydra did to them.


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