How It All Started

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I woke up to the sound of pages turning beside my bed. When I opened my eyes, I was met with beauty.

The beautiful girl from last night was sitting in a chair by my window, reading a book. Not just any book; one of my books.

Well I bought it but I never read it.

"Where did you get that?" I asked her, sitting up. I had expected her to have left already.

"I found it," she replied. She was still flipping through the pages, not even looking at me.

"Why are you still here?" I asked, a bit more rudely than I entended.

"I don't want to be here," she said, shutting the book and setting it on the desk beside her. "You haven't payed me yet,"

I immediately felt stupid but I didn't show her that.

"Right," I said grabbing my wallet from my bedside table. I took a check out and wrote the amount of $6,800 on it.

"Who do I make it out too?" I asked her, knowing she'd have to give me her real name.

"Apple Beckett," she said, hesitantly. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Your real name," I told her. Did she not know how checks worked?

"Apple Beckett. That's my real name," she said with a serious face.

I wrote it down. I'd never heard of anyone being named Apple, though I had to admit it was beautiful.

I handed the check to her after scribbling down my signature. She took it from me and looked at it before nodding, not even questioning the amount.

"Could I do this again?" She asked, surprising me.

"You actually want to do this again?" She gave me the same serious expression.

"I need the money. No one else ever pays as much as you did last night," she informed me.

I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She was willing to pass out from exhaustion, in the hands of a complete stranger, for money.

"Ok. Tonight. 8 pm." I wasn't about to put her through that again. I'd have to find another way to make the money worth it, without making her feel like I'm giving her charity.

"Ok," she said. She seemed glad and a bit relieved, but still tense. Even after all that rest, her body must still be exhausted.

I was expecting her to get up and leave but she didn't. After a moment of awkward silence she finally went to stand up.

I immediately noticed her legs were trembling and she was struggling to stay upright. I watched as she went to take a step and started tumbling forward.

I immediately jumped out of bed and caught her. Surprisingly, she didn't push me off.

I lifted her off her feet and she wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder out of embarrassment.

How was this girl trusting me so easily? I loved it.

"You should get more rest before you leave," I told her, carrying her to the other side of the bed.

"No. I don't even know you.." she said, tiredly and less confident than she had sounded before.

"Shhh. It's fine," I said, laying her down on the bed. I pulled the covers over her, her bright blue eyes looking up at me.

"I won't touch you. You're safe," I told her as I watched her eyelids flutter closed, her long lashes blanketing her eyes.

She looked so peaceful sleeping. I couldn't figure out why I cared so much about this girl. What was so different about her?

I left her alone in the room and went to go do some paperwork in my office. The entire time though, only one thought occupied my mind.

Why would she need the money so bad?

I decided to use her name to do a background check on her. I had the resources available to me.

I used to be an officer before I took over the family business and they never remembered to cut off my access from the system.

I got on my computer and entered my password before going into the data base and searching her name.

Results: (7) Apple

Results: (2) Apple Beckett

Results: (1) Apple Beckett in this area.

I looked at the photo provided for the last result and it matched Apple perfectly. The thick curly black hair; the bright blue eyes; the soft face. The curvy as fuck body.

I began looking into her history.

Her mom died of breast cancer when Apple was 6. Her dad walked out on her shortly after.

But what happened to her then?

Her grandparents took her in and raised her, but her grandma was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Awaiting payment for cancer treatment.

"That's why you need the money," I whispered to myself.

Her grandfather passed away from a heart attack only a few months ago. Without her grandma she'll be completely alone.

Info: Name- Apple Beckett
Age- 19
Address- 120 Maple Cove Blvd
Sex- Female
Occupation- unknown

Of course her occupation is 'unknown'. Prostitution is Illegal.

I immediately knew that I wanted to help her. I couldn't just turn a blind eye when she needed help.

I need to save Apple.

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