The End

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Super sorry this chapter came so late, I hit a major block :(
I'm really sorry if it isn't up to standards.

  He tried to stop me, Marlo, but he couldn't.

Rage and fear pulsed through my veins. An itch that felt impossible to satisfy tortured me. I clenched my fists, over and over, trying to telepathically make the driver go faster.

The driver that glanced back at me nervously, the look in my eyes having frightened him.

"Aric, please. You're hurt!" Marlo reasoned but I wouldn't have any of it. I needed Apple back and I needed her back now.

I drew in a deep breath but pain surged through my abdomen so I did my best to maintain shallow breathes.

After that scum grabbed Apple, touched her, and stole her away from me, I called Marlo. Thankfully, he lived close by and was able to get to me before I bled out.

But that was only the night before last: when my blood decorated the floor of our bedroom and Apple was taken, kidnapped.

Her captures took their sweet time, an entire day to contact me, to tell me who they were and what they wanted.

Of course I had already called the police and filed a report, the whole nine yards, but I couldn't sit still.

I couldn't just sit and wait for them to find her when god knows what could be happening to her.

No, I needed to find her.

The ransom finally came in last night, 627k dollars cash for Apples life. Marlo was able to convince me to wait until morning to go to the location they gave me but he couldn't stop me now.

"Aric! Look, you can still get her back if you just tell the police where they're at! They'll save her!" He was begging beside me, "please, Aric. You're hurt, you can barely walk. You can't fight, you'll get yourself killed! God Damnit, Aric! Pull your shit together! How could a girl you've know for only ten days be worth your fucking life you god damn nit wit!"

Today is day ten. Today was the day I always dreaded, even when I didn't realize it. I was always terrified to think of her leaving, to think that the only thing she gained from us was the money.

I always questioned wether she would leave but even now, when I thought I would have the answer, that question still lingers, floating on my tongue. The taste is salty and suffocating.

  Whatever happens, she needs that choice as much as I need that answer. She needs to survive so that she can choose. There are five paths our lives can take tonight.

  I die.

  She dies.

  We both die.

  She leaves.

  She stays.

  Lord knows that I'm going to stay no matter what happens. I am hers and I have given her myself but she has not yet made it clear that she is mine.

  Today, when she survives, we will learn.

The car pulls to a stop outside of an old abandoned carnival. Rusted over colors and clowns decorate the place, shadowed in the night.

Well, this isn't creepy at all.

I go to get out but Marlo grabs my hand, a sad look in his eyes. I'd never seen him this way. I didn't think he cared so much.

"Marlo, I'll be-"

"I know," he cut me off, his voice breaking. "Just... please come back to me. I need you... but I understand that I can't have you unless she's safe. You'll never be yourself again if you lose her so please... save her."

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