Fistfuls of Hair

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Y/n's new name is used for the first time in this chapter.... In fact it's used a lot.... I hope y'all like it!!

  Whiny grumbles sounded from the bedroom. I knew by the sweet tone, Apple was awake.

  I was sitting in the living room, typing away on my tablet. Anger burns a hole through my veins as I recounted Midsky. His case files are alarming.

  Too many accusations in too many things. He really was guilty of a lot. But those accusations actually helped me. They're only speculation, something that won't hold up in court.

  Yesterday he acted as if he had never seen Apple before, like she was a totally different person. A lady, rather than a whore off the street. So many good reason to beat the shit out of him.....

  Am I immoral for defending a monster?

  The hinges on my door squeaked as Apple poked her head out of the bedroom, her thick black hair was tussled and stuck out in every direction.

A barely noticeable path was apparent on her chin; it was where she had drooled.

"Aric..?" She grumbled, her eyes barely open.

"Morning, hun," I said with an exhausted sigh. I, myself didn't get much sleep. "There's oatmeal in the kitchen, I put it in the microwave so it will stay warm."

"Thank you," she muttered as she dragged herself over to the kitchen. I could here what she was doing in the back of my mind but my main focus was on this damn computer.

I need at least one thing- one big seller that says Midsky is innocent. Of course he isn't but I always like to have one piece of undeniable proof.

  The jury announced his verdict tomorrow.

Marlo had been calling me every other hour trying to figure things out. I told him I would come in today, but of course I didn't say that I would be late because I wanted to say bye to Apple.

"Is everything alright?" She asks, her voice carrying from the kitchen to the living room. Clearly she saw how stressed I was.

  "Midsky's verdict is being announced tomorrow. Just cramming in work, that's all,"

  "Are you going into the office today?" She asked as she sat down on the couch opposite of me, her oatmeal in hand.

  She was a messy morning person but damn she was still my beautiful messy morning person.

  "Yeah, I was just waiting till you got up," I shut my laptop with a huff and started gathering all my things.

  Papers were shoved into a binder with Midsky's name on it, my computer put in its protective case.

  "I need to do some grocery shopping but I know there's still some pasta and a jar of sauce in there if you get hungry. There's also some apples on the counter if you just want a snack,"

  Her eyes flashed with something but I couldn't tell what. It was gone before I could even try.

  "A-Aric" she muttered sheepishly and acted like she was about to continue but was erupted by a loud ringing in my pocket.

  I slipped out the small device just to see Marlo's name on the screen... again. Damnit.

  Apple could tell I needed to answer the phone by the look on my face so she merely waved me off.

  I didn't leave without planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

8 pm- day 7

  Work ran extremely late today. Even when I thought it was a good time to call it a night, Marlo would refuse.

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