Chapter IV : What Have I Gotten Myself Into?

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Walking alongside Seungcheol again after his very rude interactions makes Mingyu feel uncomfortable. He didn't think that after hearing the explanation from Minghao, he'd have to meet Seungcheol again so soon. But here they are. Instead of driving back home like he thought he was going to, he's met with slicked-back silver locks and deep brown and round eyes searching for him outside of his class.

"Oh? Who is that?"

"He's so hot."

"Who's he here for?"

The comments definitely aren't making it easier. The chattering continues even after he locks eyes with the male his friends referred to as a leader. Matter of fact, didn't it get louder? He doesn't know anymore, and honestly, he can't be bothered to try and pretend he didn't see him. He, instead, decides to make his way over to the "leader," Seungcheol, and get it over with.

"Hey," Mingyu feels as if it took way too long to get over to Seungcheol, and yet, he only has such a lame greeting for him. Seungcheol's smile is warm nevertheless.

"Hi, Mingyu-ssi. Shall we talk in private? I have some questions about the incident earlier this week," Seungcheol says as he pulls out his credentials, which Mingyu isn't entirely certain which "life" that credential is coming from. Mingyu knows for sure that that's not what Seungcheol came to talk to him about, but knowing the secrecy of the situation, he chooses to play along.

"Is this about th-that girl?" Mingyu replies with a stutter to give a more believable performance. Seungcheol smirks mentally, impressed at the younger's ability to improvise.

"Yes, it is. I hope I'm not troubling you too much. Care to take a ride with me back to my office?" Seungcheol plays off of Mingyu. Mingyu nods meekly, unsure if he can maintain the facade for too long after hearing more whispers from the other students. The two walk out of the building, a respectable distance between them, as Seungcheol leads him to his car. The sleek, black Hyundai sits there running idly, the tinted windows reveal no secrets.

"I'll have to ask you to hop in the back. Someone's already occupying the passenger seat," Seungcheol interjects just as Mingyu is about to reach for the passenger seat's door handle. Mingyu halts his movements before stiffly scooting over to reach the backseat's door handle. Just as Mingyu's buckling up, he hears the familiar, deep, and smooth voice that chastised him just a chapter ago. He looks up at the casual greeting to see a familiar mop of black hair and a sharp and bespectacled eye gazing at him through the rearview mirror.

"W-Wonwoo-ssi? Hi?" The greeting wasn't meant to be a question but being blindsided by both Seungcheol and Wonwoo, twice now, wasn't exactly helping his fried brain that had absorbed both Junhui's story and a shit ton of information from Minghao just a couple of hours before. If his IQ hadn't already dropped when greeting Seungcheol lamely earlier, it sure is plummeting now after that awkward exchange with Wonwoo. He only chuckles good-naturedly at the unsure greeting before turning back down to the book in his lap. Mingyu couldn't help himself from the cringe that consumed his body as Seungcheol buckles himself in his seat.

"How are you, Mingyu-ssi?" Seungcheol asks as he pulls out of the university.

"U-Uhm, good I guess? I think maybe the 'Mingyu-ssi' is a bit too much. You're older than me. You can just call me Mingyu," Mingyu replies uncertainly. Seungcheol chuckles before he says, "I can do that. In exchange, you can call me 'Seungcheol-hyung.'"

"Okay, Seungcheol-ssi-"

"Ah, not quite. Just Seungcheol-hyung. We can work on that later though. I actually wanted to ask you if Minghao's spoken to you yet," Seungcheol asks. He words it in a way that doesn't blame him for avoiding the topic from the very beginning, even though Mingyu was fully aware that he was avoiding the topic.

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