All For You

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Osamu's POV

Ever since Atsumu walked out of the gym, everything changed; I've changed. After a long time, I've started to hate myself again. When Atsumu left, my world started to crumble; I couldn't play volleyball, my feet wouldn't let me stand in court and my whole body would start to shake.

For the past week, I isolated myself from the world and didn't leave my room. I just blocked everything from the outside world; my friends, family, even Suna.

After 2 weeks of caving in my room, someone knocked on my door.

Osamu: "Leave me alone..." But the knocks continued. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!"

???: "Samu..." A voice that I haven't heard in so long. "Can you please open the door..." Such a gentle voice full of love and concern. I jumped off my bed and rushed to open my door. When my bedroom door flew open, there, I stood in front of a man who's a little taller than me, face similar to mine, and eyes that were filled with worry, love, and guilt. I started crying.

Osamu: "Da- -Dad!" I hugged him and he squeezed me tight.

Mr. Miya: "I'm here..." He caressed my head. He was calming me down and it was working.

After I stopped crying. Dad sat on my bed, he patted the space next to him where I proceeded to sit. He rubbed my back for assurance. He looked at me and I got a good look at his face. He looked tired and drained, but he gave me a small smile.

Mr. Miya: "Samu... Can you please tell me what happened?" I froze, my eyes started to tear up again. My body shaked and I buried my face in my hands.

Osamu: "TSUMU HATES ME!!!" I yelled in frustration. I couldn't look up at my Dad. I was scared.

Mr. Miya: "No he doesn't... How could you say that... he's your bro- -"

Osamu: "He does!" I finally looked at him. "He doesn't see me as a brother!"

Mr. Miya: "Osamu- -"

Osamu: "Da- -Dad... I broke Tsumu... I- - I hurt him..." My voice broke.

Mr. Miya: "Samu!" He hugged me tight and I couldn't help but clutch on to the back of his shirt. "Please, explain everything... help me understand what happened, Samu..."

When I finally stopped choking on my own sobs, I started explaining what happened; from the way I treated Atsumu, to him getting bullied, and him getting hurt. I told him everything Atsumu told me, I told him what I saw; how badly hurt Atsumu was. I fell on my knees in front of my sitting father. I cried and cried as I begged for forgiveness.

Osamu: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" My regrets filled the room. Dad wasn't moving nor saying anything. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was all my fault!! I- - I- -"

Mr. Miya: "Osamu... how could you do that to Atsumu... to your own brother?" He finally spoke. He sounded hurt.

Osamu: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I didn't know what else to say; do I even have the right to say anything other than an apology?

Mrs. Miya: "What the hell is happening here?" She ran next to me and put me in a comforting embrace. "Why is Osamu crying!?" He looked at Dad.

Mr. Miya: "Do you even know what's happening? What happened?!" He sounded frustrated.

Mrs. Miya: "Don't yell at me!" She was protecting me.

Mr. Miya: "OUR SON is missing for WEEKS!" He was getting angry. "And it's like you don't even care!"


Mr. Miya: "Of course I'll get mad! But I'm not mad at him!" He stood and turned to face the window, away from us. "I'm disappointed!" He rubbed his face up to his hair.

Mrs. Miya: "Why?!" He stood and made Dad face her. "Osamu did nothing wrong!"

Mr. Miya: "He bullied his own brother! HOW IS THAT NOTHING!?"

Mrs. Miya: "THAT PISS-HAIRED BITCH DESERVED IT!" I froze in shock and looking at my Dad who was wide eyed speechless, I could say we were thinking the same.

Mr. Miya: "What did you say?" For the first time, I was terrified of my Dad. The sweetest man I know sounded so cold.

Mrs. Miya: "You heard me... that bitch deserved it."

Osamu: "Mo- -Mom... How could you say that?"

Mrs. Miya: "Sweetie..." She turned to me; looking all innocently like she said nothing wrong. She cupped my face. "You don't need to worry about him... You have me" She smiled "I'll protect you."

Osamu: "Mo- - Mom... what did you do?" My voice was shaking. I was scared of what she was going to answer but nothing could've prepared me for what she said.

Mrs. Miya: "But Samu... Wasn't this what you wanted?" She tilted her head.

Osamu: "Wha- -what?"

Mrs. Miya: "Don't you remember? You hated Atsumu since he would steal your friends and would always make you the lesser twin. He made you think he was better at everything! He teased you!" She slid her hand on the sides of my shoulders. I felt chills run down my spine.

The woman in front of me wasn't my mother. She wasn't the woman who raised me and Tsumu. I don't know this woman.

Mr. Miya: "What are you talking about!?" He grabbed me and put me behind his back; protecting me from Mom.

Mrs. Miya: "What are you doing?!" She tried to get to me but Dad stopped her.

Mr. Miya: "STOP IT!" Mom froze. "Can't you see you're scaring him! That this is all your fault!" He glared at her. "Atsumu is gone because of you!"


Mr. Miya: "HE'S OUR SON!"

Mrs. Miya: "HE'S AN EMBARRASSMENT! AND PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A SO- -" She went down on the floor from impact; holding her cheek that was starting to get swollen.

Dad slapped her and she just sat there in shock, we never knew Dad could ever do that. I looked at Dad, he was red with anger, he didn't regret what he did.

Mr. Miya: "Enough." He did his best to compose himself, but he glared at the woman beneath him like she was the most disgusting thing he's ever seen. "Get out of my house."






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