𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖞𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Lily had been running for an hour right now, she had to run. From what, was unknown to her. Not only was she running from something she didn't even know what it possibly could be. She was running just because some old female stranger told her to do so. She stopped running to catch her breath. She was replaying the conversation she had with the old lady in her head, over and over. How could the old lady know her name when she never told her. As much what she can remember was that her mother didn't talk to people. There was a reason why they lived in the forrest. But what was the reason behind it. She sat down on the ground with her back against a big old three. It was a beautiful willow three. She started playing with the little piece of grass that was in front of her. She started to drift off with thoughts running through her head. Nothing made sense.

It was like she was in the middle of some kind of plot twisted tale that mothers told their children when they went to bed. But that was absurd of course. She chuckled. She started to look around. Her surrounding was breathtaking, almost everywhere she laid eyes on were flowers. She didn't really know a lot about flowers, but she was fascinated by their colors. She looked up to the sky and saw that the evening was starting to kick in. She sighed. She had to find something to eat. Wherever she was planning on going tomorrow she had to find some food to have enough energy. She sat up and continued her path. After about a five minute walk she stopped dead in her tracks. She could smell burned wood. Burned wood coming from a house nearby. It had to be.

She looked up again and she saw some smoke peaking through the tops of the threes. She started making her way to where the smoke came from. When she almost arrived she saw a little hut. It looked a lot like her old 'house'. She didn't really remember lots from her past. She started making her way to the hut. The hut looked very small but enough to probably live in. Once she made it right in front of the hut's door, she knocked on it. After some time, a woman opened the door. She seemed really tired, bags under her eyes. She was surely not one of the youngest. She could be around her early 40's.

"What does a young girl like you bring you here?" The woman's voice was dull and kind of broken. Like she had been screaming or forcing her voice since days. She gives Lily a mixed look. A look of confusion and also intrigation. The middle aged women raises her brow because Lily hasn't answered yet.

"I am sorry to disturb you miss but I was wondering if you maybe have something to eat. You see, I'm actually on some kind of journey. I don't have any food and don't have a place to stay, maybe you could help me out?" Lily answers the woman's question. After some time the woman starts laughing. "You are a lucky girl if I might call you that, come on in!" Lily kind of hesitates at first. The woman's answer was not really the answer she was thinking she was getting. But you rarely get a chance to be 'invited' in someones house if you ask for a service. You will most of the time be rejected or yelled at. Lily enters the hut where a kettle is placed on top of a little fire. The hut is dimly lighted. There is a candle standing on a table that is accompanied with two chairs. On her right there are also two beds, one in the right corner and the other one in the left corner of the hut.

"Go sit down at the table and I will be right with you with some food," Orders the woman. Lily makes her way towards the small table, she sits down in a chair so she can face the woman that is currently filling a plate with some white substance. The woman makes her way towards Lily and places a plate in front of her. "Eat up, you will be needing it if what you told me about that journey is true," Lily smiles towards the woman. "Thank you miss, really," She starts eating the substance, it is a mixture of milk and something that tastes like oat. She never ate this before. "It tastes really good miss,' She compliments the woman. "You don't have to call me miss, you can call me Linda," She gives Lily a sympathetic smile. " Nice to meet you Linda," She smiles back. "And what is your name then young lady?" She asks. "Oh I'm sorry, my name is Lily" She says, she felt bad for not telling her name earlier. "That's a nice name, where are you from?" Linda asks another question. "I am from Sliabh Creagach, a small village about two villages from here," Lily Answers.

"Sliabh Creagach? I haven't heard anyone mention that village since... Well, a long time!" She gapes. It's now lily's turn to give Linda a confused look. "What do you mean with mentioning my village," She asks Linda "Don't you know the incredible story of your own town?" Linda asks Lily, her eyes are so big that it kind of scares of Lily. "Uhm, I guess I don't?"

"Well then you have a lot to catch on, Lily"


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