𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊

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"Good... Where do I even begin. It all started about a decade ago. The now so be called, King and Queen, where not the perfect rich couple as what some people may think of. Oh they really weren't. It was a forced marriage and let's say that the population thought is was the best thing that could happen in the world but for the soon to be newlyweds, it was a nightmare. But through the years the Queen and King started getting along really well. When they where in public they couldn't stop toughing each other. After almost one year being married they announced there first born. Prince Erik. When he was three they announced their second child. A little boy, Prince Wilhelm. But here is where the story takes a turn. When Erik was four and Wilhelm around one, they announced a third child. Nobody really knows what truly happened. One night Queen Kristina left the castle with nothing but her soon to be popping baby belly. The reason why she would have left is to this day... unknown. The whole empire was looking for the Queen but nobody had heard or seen her for four years straight. But after those four years they found her by miracle and she returned to the castle. Everyone thought she was dead but the most shocking part is that she returned without a three-year old. Some people think that she killed her baby but I truly don't think a mother could possibly do anything like that. Till to this day people are trying to find the lost third child of the royal family but to no success."

Lily had listened to Linda's story really attentively. She never heard about that story. Yes, she knew that there was a royal family. But the dark secret of that family? "What happened to Queen Christina after she returned to the castle?" Lily asks.

"Well, for what I have heard she has been miserable. She rarely shows herself. Almost never attends any big event. The King doesn't allow to talk about her badly in anyway. But, ya know that people will always talk," She explains further. "That's so horrible," Lily whispers. Linda nods her head.

"Tell me a little about ya Lily," Linda asks away. "Well I have already told you where I came from," Lily responds. "Yes love, I know that but tell me really about ya, your family, friends and so on," Linda asks again. "I don't have family, nor do I have friends. I did have a place to stay, it was an old farm where I used to work. But it wasn't the best. The only thing I can maybe remember from my past is that used to live deep into the woods with my mother. But one day she just vanished. Next to that I have nothing and nobody," Lily responds Linda's questions.

"You're a really dependent girl then," Linda stares in Lily's eyes when she says that.  After some seconds Linda's eyes start to grow big. Lily once again gives her a confused look. " Oh my lord... IT' YOU! I'm sorry but I need you to go. Lily, listen to me, I mean no harm to ya but you can't stay here. It's so unsafe here. Take this with ya, I need ya to go and take the path behind the house. Continue that road and don't stop, you will attend some sort of big field. I need ya to wait there until you see a young man with brown curly hair. He goes by the name of Simon. If you see him I need you to tell him that I'm the one sending you. Go, ya must go."

There it was again. The second time someone was telling her to run. " Can you explain to me what is happe-" She's cut of by ... "The only thing I can tell ya is that you are more important than you think ya are, now go," Lily gets up, she makes her way towards the door when Maura speaks up again. "Ya are forgetting something, here. Know that ya can't lose this at any cost," It is some sort of necklace what Linda was previously pointing to when she was rambling about telling Lily to run. "Thank you," Lily says. "I thank ya Lily, it was an honor to finally meet ya but the circumstances are making this absolutely not easy. Be strong and good luck,"

Lily is about to cry when Linda speaks up again.

"Lily, I promised her I would keep ya safe from any type of danger. But ya must do this on your own for the most part. Good luck my angel,"

"Who! Who did you promised to tha-" Lily is cut off by loud barks of dogs coming from the distance. She knows that every second now could save her out of trouble. And she runs, she runs away again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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