Where am I? Part 1

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Summary: Harvey, Roz and Theo are at the gates of hell trying to stop it from opening. Roz passes her visions to Harvey causing him to pass out and wake up somewhere.


Harvey, Roz and Theo were trying to stop the gates of hell from opening. "ROZ, CAN YOU TRY TO PASS YOUR VISIONS TO HARVEY?! THAT MIGHT HELP TRY TO STOP THEM FROM GOING  TO GREENDALE!!" Theo yells as the demons try to escape.

"OK!" With that Roz touched Harvey to make him see Roz's visions, Harvey saw alot of symbols. As soon as he was about to draw them down, the last few words he heard before his world went black is "HARVEY, OH MY GOD HARVEY!" Theo's and Roz's voices.


*Harvey POV*

I woke up somewhere with sand? I'm at the beach? I opened my eyes and see two people walking up to me. "Hey kid! Are you ok?" One of the men asked me. I nod still confused where I'm at. "Come with us we can help you." I noded and tried to get up only to fall down.

I goan, what the fuck is wrong? The two men picked me up and gave me some water, "I'm Alex Karev and this is my coworker Owen Hunt." Alex responds out of nowhere, "H-Harvey Ki-" I couldn't even finish my own sentence when I passed out.


*A few hours before, normal POV*

Miranda Bailey got Alex and Owen who were eating together from the cafeteria to give them there next patient, "What is it Dr.Bailey?" Alex asks cleaning his face with the napkin. "I need you and Dr.Hunt to go to a dessert, I got a report that a young teenager is stranded there pass out. Since you're the only two that I could find I'm sending you to go find him and make sure he's ok." Miranda says.

Both of them look at each other and get their gear to help Harvey Kinkle.


*Present time at Harvey's house Roz's POV*

I don't know how but Harvey suddenly disappear, "Maybe we should go to Sabrina. She may know what happened to Harvey." Theo recommends, I nod still feeling sad, "What's wrong?" Theo asks in his concern voice.

Tears fill in my eyes, "It's my fault Harvey's gone, because if I hadn't try to pass my visions. Then Harvey wouldn't have pass out and suddenly disappear." I say crying, "Oh, Roz it's not your fault." I hug him. Hopefully he's ok.


* In the equipment room Normal POV A few hours before*

Alex and Owen were getting ready to go the dessert, "I wonder why a teenager, at the dessert, stranded alone, passed out. Like where the hell did the teenager come from." Alex said, Owen just shrugged his shoulders trying to find the oxygen breathing mask. "Lets hurry up, he might not be breathing. Damnit" Owen snaps, Alex nods. He never sees his coworker snaps before.

With that they hurry up to find Harvey fucking Kinkle.


*At the dessert before finding Harvey Owen POV*

We were on a helicopter, "And it seems like we land at out location." The pilot says, I sigh in relief this pilot took forever. What if its (They don't know his gender)dead? No Owen, at this hospital we don't think it's dead. We help rescue people. "Ok lets go Dr.Karev."

We get our equipment and head off to find the patient, after a while we see a body. "Wait Dr Hunt do you think that's the teenager?" Karev asks, "Maybe." We run to the teenager. "Hey kid! Are you ok?" I ask, he nods. "Come with us, we can help you."

He nods again, he tries to get up but falls back down. Me and Karev help the probably hurt teenager, suddenly Karev speaks. "I'm Alex Karev, and this is my coworker Owen Hunt." He grunts in pain, "H-Harvey Ki-" He goes to say his name but passes out.

"He's probably thirsty." I say, Karev nods. Hopefully this Harvey kid is ok.

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