ᴥ︎︎︎ Episode 6 ᴥ︎︎︎

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A glimpse of Balu 👇


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"Should I go for sure ?" Balu whines as he steps out of the door .

"Yes you need to ! Ennanga (Dear husband) it has been 2 months and you have been staying home , you need to go to work now" Vaidehi says pushing him towards his bike.

"Ok *sighs* atleast give me a kiss" Balu says and pulls her to his body with his hands around her waist.

Vaidehi gasps as she tries to push him looking around.

"Someone will see leave me nga" Vaidehi demands gasping.

"I don't care azhagi give me a kiss" Balu whispers inching closer.

Vaidehi covers her mouth with her hand and turns her face aside.

Balu releases her fustrated.

"Ok you don't need to give me a kiss" he says and stomps towards his bike.

"Hey don't get angry nga" Vaidehi says placing her hands on his shoulders stopping him from going away.

Balu just keeps quiet , looking forward with a frown etched on his face.

Vaidehi sighs as she leans in and gives him a kiss on his cheek.

"Eee" Balu smiles widely as he turns his head and gives her a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you azhagi ! But I will get what I want when I come back" he says and drives off smiling widely leaving a blushing Vaidehi back.

Vaidehi saunters into the house , heading to the kitchen to help her mother-in-law with the dishes.

"Athai I will he----"

Before she could complete the sentence everything around her blacks and she falls down.

"Ennanga come here ! Vaidehi !" Her mother-in-law shouts as she kneels near her.

Balu feels worried as he enters his hospital building.

"Doctor Balu ! Phone !" The receptionist calls him , Balu frowns as he takes the telephone near his ear.

"Balu !" His mother's loud voice comes from the other end.

"What happened ma ? Why are you shouting ?" Balu asks frowning.

"V-vaidehi" his mother says stuttering.

Balu tenses.

"What happened to Vaidehi ?" He asks.

"S-she f-fainted" his mother says stuttering more.

Balu cuts the call and runs towards the parking lot and gets onto his bike.

He drives as fast as he can through the roads of Chennai.

He drops the bike infront of his house and runs inside to see Vaidehi sitting on the sofa taking a gulp of water with his mother sitting near her and his father standing behind the sofa.

"Vaidehi" Balu gasps as he kneels infront of her.

That evening.......

Balu fidgets with his fingers as he along with Vaidehi wait in the doctor's cabin.

The door opens and the female doctor enters with a report in her hands and a smile on her face.

"Doctor" Balu says as he stands up.

"Oh come on Balu sit down. Is this your wife ?" She asks smiling happily.

"Yes doctor. Vaidehi" Balu introduces , Vaidehi gives her a smile and she smiles back.

"All the test reports have come Balu and you don't need to worry about anything but......" The doctors drags her smile faltering making Balu's stomach do an unpleasant squeeze.

"SHE IS PREGNANT !" The doctor shouts with a big smile replacing her features.

Balu's eyes widen in surprise.

Vaidehi's feature turn into one of shock and surprise.

"Vaidehi" Balu gasps as he turns to look at Vaidehi with his hands on her hand.

"I-I am going to be A FATHER !" he shouts I she end with a big smile , tears flowing.

Vaidehi's own eyes water as she looks at him.

"Nearly two months Balu. She is in her earliest stage , so more to be careful and more time to start eating healthy , take good care of her Balu , and she will have vomiting sensations and sometimes may feel dizzy so don't forget to buy these vitamins I have prescribed" the doctor says smiling.

Balu just can't open his mouth , he just nods his head as he takes the prescription from the doctor.

Balu keeps talking about how much he is excited and how well he would look after them the whole way home.

Vaidehi's face had a smile etched on her face the whole way home as she heard her husband talk this fond of her and their child.

Their new life is about to start with a gift from god

Balu Weds Miss.Bonda ✓Where stories live. Discover now