Don't Look Behind You

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Don't look behind You will summon demons into your house with the use of only a friend or two, a candle, and some chairs. You may ask them 10 questions before POLITELY asking them to leave. If all goes well, they'll answer your questions and leave in peace. But not always, they might even refuse to leave. So be careful when playing this game because who knows what decides to come back for a second round without a warning.

The things you need:

2-3 players

2-3 chairs

1 candle

1 flashlight

A table to put the candle on(optional but recommended)

A large room with little furniture(it can have furniture, it's just not recommended.)

The Preparations:

1. Place the 2-3 chairs in a straight line with arm's length distance between all of them

2. At least 5 feet behind the chairs, set up the candle. Only use one candle. This is very important, if more candles are used, the demons will be angered.

3. Have the other players sitting down with one person standing up. The person standing up should turn on their flashlight and turn off all the lights. Now they should find their way back to their seat and turn off the flashlight while still standing. 

4. Make sure all the other players are seated. The player standing should repeat the following: "All spirits and demons, we invite you into this space. You must stay within the light of the candle feeling its warmth. We will not gaze upon you. Grant us to ask 10 questions, and then return to your realm leaving us in peace." Now everyone should be seated. Don't laugh and don't say anything to each other at this point.

5. Start counting down from 10. All players must do this in unison. Do not shout but don't whisper it. Don't laugh and don't say anything to each other at this point. You may start asking questions after you've finished counting.

6. One person may ask all the questions or you may take turns. You may not fully hear the answers at first as demons and spirits often speak in whispers, so you must listen VERY carefully. Ask the questions slowly, and pause in between each question to give time for an answer.

7. After all the questions have been asked, politely ask the demon to leave. Count down from 10 again to give the demon time to leave. Now you can turn on your flashlight, the main lights, and extinguish the candle. You must extinguish the candle or else the demon might come back.

Side Notes:

Laughing can make the demon think you aren't taking this seriously which you probably aren't if you were laughing. The demon will be angered and will hurt you and your friends. 

Don't turn on the flashlight until the game is over. Turning the flashlight on before the game is over means you have broken the rules. If you break the rules the demon will not leave. 

No matter what happens, don't look behind you. The demons will try to get you to look at them, but don't make that mistake. Looking at them will allow them to possess you.

Never, ever play this game alone for your safety. Always have a friend.

And no matter what happens, DON'T.LOOK.BEHIND.YOU!

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