Chapter 18

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Songs for this chapter:

do you remeber?- Jarryd james

Brave honest beautiful- Fifth harmony

Right now- One direction

clouds- One direction

Amber pov

I go on my twiiter and see i have over 20 notifications. I pepare myslef for what was to come. Im with 1/5 of the world's biggest boybands. I was bound to be judged over every little things. The girls are so protective and will pounce on anything that could hurt one of the boys.

I would never intentionally hurt Lou i love him to much. I take a deep breath and click on my account. I only had around 200 followers last time i checked. Now i have 400k. What the actual fuck? I  go on lou's page and retweet and fav the post about us.

There was already a fan account for us and an update account. I followed both of them. There were alot of sweet tweets like: "So happy for lou!xx" and "They look so cute!" and "Goals!" which made my heart flutter.

But ofocurse there was tweets with the opposite effect like "If she hurts him i will kill her" and "Ew what the hell lou?" and "Where the hell did he find her? In the dump". I tryed to hold back the tears. Amber get a grip this is going to happen.

I take a deep breath and tweet lou saying "Yeah baby xxx" and close twitter. I need to clear my head so i head to the closest starbucks. I order my drink and as i wait im approuched by two girls who look around 16 and 17. "Hi your amber right?" one asks with blonde hair. "Yeah" i say.

"Oh im Natasha and this is Britney were so happy for you and lou!" she says. I smile at her and look at Britney. She looked so familair i couldn't put my finger on it though. "Thank you" i say. "Can we take a pic?" she asks. Whoa was i going to get a lot more of this.

"Sure" i say. We take a pic as my name is called. I grab my drink and say goodbye to the girls as i leave.

Harry pov

We were woken up really early and are headed to a interview. The show last night was incredible. I couldn't focus on anything but the boys and our fans. But right after it was done Layla came to mind. I missed her so much and i was so worried about her.

No matter what i was going to take her away from the monster and she finally can be mine. We arrive at the interview and dress up. I wear a flannel and jeans with my classic boots. The boys dress up too. "Alright come on"Paul tells us once were all done and Lou does final touches on our hair. 

The interview introduces us and a small video plays. "Hi boys so how are you?" we all reply as he asks a few more questions about the tour. "So how are your live life's?" he asks. "Harry?" the women asks. "Still single" i say and smile. Hopefully not for long. "You waiting for someone?" he asks.

"Not really, well i mean we all are" i say. "Louie you have a new girlfriend?" the interview changes to lou. "Yeah amber" he says smiling. "How long have you too been going out?" she asks. "A week or so but we have been friends for a while" he says.  She smiles at him and the other boys answer that question as my thoughts continue to think about the girl who i await.

Zayn pov

"Still going strong with Precella" Niall answers her. "Liam you still single?" she asks. "Yeah" he lies. HIm and soph weren't ready to come out again. "Zayn?" she asks me. "Yh still crazy in love with my girl" i answer. Oh how i missed perrie. I craved for her lips on mine, my skin touching hers.

"Awe, and how are the kids?" she asks. "Yeah good Perrie is taking care of them," i say.  I spoke to Perrie before and it was so good to hear her voice. She said the kids were doing fine and that she missed me. I missed her too. She asks more questions and we rap up the interview.

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