Chapter 2

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"Take good care of Levi, Hange" Kuchel smiles at her, while kissing Levi's forehead.

"Count on me Kuchel!" Hange salute

"Now, you two enjoy your day at school and have the whole house for yourself! I'll leave butler Oyankopon here for now! We'll be going now!" Louis said ruffling Levi's hair, before opening the passenger door for Kuchel then went to seat at the back. Levi's uncle will be sending them to the airport. They have to be two hourse early for their flight.

"Take care of the princess, glasses" Kenny joke, Levi just roll his eyes while Hange laugh a little. Ever since Levi was told he was born as an intersex, Kenny just call him girly names or boy names which pisses the hell out of Levi. He went to the driver's seat and starts the engine, then they drove away to the airport.

"We should get some sleep, Levi" Hange said, Levi just nod and they both went back inside.

In the morning, Levi was making breakfast for both of them while Hange was still in his bathroom. His greyish white cat hop on the chairs wanting attention from Levi.

"Not now, I'm busy" Levi gently trying to push his cat away, the cat then jump down but still wants the ravenette's attention.


"Gosh your so loud in the morning!" Levi was annoyed, he place their breakfast on the table. He lift his cat up, laying it on his lap then allowing him to sleep or get pat. Hange tied her hair and sits on one of the chairs then begins to eat her breakfast.

"Hey Hange..."


"I'm worried..."

Hange stop, she looks at him worriedly

"Why? What is it?"

"What if they... Well... I look different from before. Will they recognize me? Especially Eren and his bratty friends? What will my bitch of a cousin think?"

"Levi, you don't have to care or worried about how you look like to others at school especially those shitty gangs and your bitchy cousin. Just keep your chin up" Hange gently place her hand on Levi's chin to lift him up so she can get a better view of his face. He really look different now...


"No buts. You don't need to listen to them. Just stick with me the entire day alright?"

Levi nod continue to eat his food same with Hange...

They got out of the house, the gate was lock by the bodyguard.

"Guess mom hired her bodyguards to be here as well" Levi mumbles, Hange just nod along.

They went to their usual bus stop, Levi can't help feeling uncomfortable. Everyone one was staring at them. Oh god, are they gonna get attack or something?!

"Levi-san's looks cute!"

"Such a lovely kid"

"He looks different!"

Levi and Hange heard whispers, thinking maybe that's just the neighbors or something. They kept on walking and finally they reach the bus stop and wait for their bus like usual. A bus stop and they hop on it, everyone in the bus who's probably a sophomore or junior in Levi's school kept staring at him.

"Hange block me" Levi mumbles very quietly to Hange. Since Hange was sitting close to him, she heard that and purposely pull him close then rest her head on Levi's head. Just as she did that, some girls grumbles a little.

"Don't leave me all alone when we reach school or I'll slice whatever was in your pants... "

"Okay cutie"

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