Chapter 5

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"How about this one." Caitlin said as she walked out of the closet. She twirled round so Frost could get better look at her outfit. It was little loose dark blue dress just below her knees with dark blue heels.

"Hmmm. Nope." Frost answered.

"Ugh. Frost, this is like the 25th time changing." Caitlin complained, walking back in her closet and coming out 5 minutes later.

"How about this one." Caitlin said, this time wearing a red medium length dress with sleeves just below the elbows with red heels.

"Perfect. Barry will love it." Frost teased and Caitlin rolled her eyes playfully and went to her dresser to do her make-up.

"Hey, will you help me for my uh... date tomorrow. Cause you know I've never really gone on a date and I can't always rely on your memories or..." Frost rambled.

"Frost. Of course I'll help you. You helped me after all. What are sisters for." Caitlin interrupted.

"Scaring the crap out of your sister's boyfriend. Oh how I wanted to do that so much when we were younger. Even though when I finally woke, I was annoyed at you for keeping me trapped." Frost teased as Caitlin laughed while just finished her make-up.

"Annoyed. Frost, you tried to get rid of me." Caitlin laughed.

"Hey, you did too."

"Touché. There. Now I'm ready." Caitlin said, before looking in the full length mirror at her outfit.

"You look amazing." Frost said, walking next to Caitlin, resting her head on her shoulder looking in the mirror.


knock, knock, knock

"Hey, girls. Caitlin, you look beautiful. If only your dad was here to see this." Carla said, coming in the room.

"Mom. Its a date not prom." Caitlin said, smiling back at her mother.

"Still. I'm proud of how you've grown. Including you Frost." Carla said as she hugged both a daughters.

"What will you two be doing while I'm gone." Caitlin asked.

"Well I was thinking we could have dinner and then watch a movie." Carla answered while she saw Frost's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Can't wait." Frost said, exited she could finally spend some time with her mother.

Suddenly, A doorbell rang then interrupting their little family moment.

"That might be Barry." Caitlin said, checking her clothing one last time.

"I'll get it." Frost called back, already walking to the door.

"Don't scare him off. Or threaten him." Caitlin called after her.

Frost walked to the door and it revealed a handsome-looking Barry with some red roses.

"Oh hey Frost. Didn't realize you were here."

"Well I do live here. Weird right." Frost said, sarcastically.

"Oh right." Barry facepalmed himself as Frost smirked.

"Caity's just coming. And just so you know you hurt her, you will get an icicle shoved through your carf or worse." Frost threatened, eyes glowing white.

"Frost. I thought I said no threatening." Caitlin laughed, as she walked to the front door with Carla while putting on a black leather jacket. Barry couldn't help himself but stare.

"Well I'm just telling Barry some vital information." Frost said, her eyes stopped glowing white and went back to dark blue. She noticed Barry still admiring her sister's beauty as she smirked.

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