Chapter 6

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So I was woken up this afternoon by Thomas barging into my room. with the hype house camera

"Hey, Harley wake up, "He says to me I pull my covers over my face.

"noooooo you can't make me" I wine but he takes them off me

"You see guys the reason why Harley isn't up is because she doesn't like going to bed or she goes night skating or she is out with a mystery man," He said I hit him with my pillow

"Nope, just a friend" I mumble but I was kind of lying me and Vinnie went on I wouldn't say a date but it kind of was.

"sure he is any way we are doing something downstairs so don't go down there I'll come to get you ok," he tells me I look at him and rolls my eyes  at him

"If you didn't want me downstairs why would you wake me up," I ask. His once exited face turned to a sad face

"Oh.....we'll you need to wake up soo I meant to do that," he says trying to make it seem like he knew that.

"sure you keep telling yourself that now.....LEAVE!" and I throw a pillow at him and the camera and he runs out of my room. I roll over to the other side of my bed and go on my phone and text Vinnie

H: "Hey you free today?"

V: "Yes I am"

H: " well my day just opened up soo do you want to do something"

V: "yes I can umm...Skatepark"

H: "bet I'll be there in like 20"

V: "ok see you there

H: " ☺️"

I get off of my bed take a shower and then I go ahead and get dressed and grab my board and leave but stopped by Thomas.

"Hey I said stay in the room" I look at him and roll my eyes

"well I am not staying in my room all day so when you are done with whatever you are doing you can text me ok, "I tell him 

"Ok but cover your eyes," He tells me He puts his hand over my eyes and leads me down the stairs and out the door

"Bye" and walk to my car and drive to the skate park and see that Vinnie is there already. I run up to him and give him a hug

"Hey how are you," I ask him he looks at me hands still on my hips

"I'm good how are you" I put my arms on his shoulders and smile

"I am doing good but I was kind of forced out of my house," I tell him he makes a confused face at me

" what do you mean?"

"Well there doing something at in the house for everyone and it was either stay in my room or leave sooo" he nods at me

"good I thought you meant you got kicked out" I laugh

"So how is being a so-called ticktock thirst trap star," I ask he puts his head down

"You found my account oh no"I laugh at him

"I live in a house full of Ticktokers ok what did you expect"

"I know but still."

"Come on let's go skate" I grab his hand a lead him into the skatepark

After a bit, it got dark and I and Vinnie were lying on the ground looking at the sun setting

"Wow look how beautiful," I tell him

"I can think of something more beautiful," He says I sit up and look at him

"and what would that be?" I ask him he looks then back at the sun setting

"that is a secret" he says in a laugh I playfully hit his arm as we laugh together I look in his eye as he does mine we both lean in the next thing I know we kissed. I felt a spark you would say when it happened. when we pulled away. we look at each other and smile "it's getting late" he whispers

"I know if we stay any longing we might get kicked out" we stand up and say our goodbyes with a hug and we look at each other again he kisses my forehead and walks away but he walks backward and we just smile at him each other. "VINNIE LOOKOUT" I yell but it was too late he tripped over his board I shake my head

"I am ok," he tells me I go and help him up

"you need to look where you are going," I tell him

"I know but I was too busy look at the most beautiful girl I have ever seen." when he tells me that my smile goes so big

"whatever" when I say he lifts my face to look at him

"I not lying" he getts really close when he says that I shake my head "good" and he kisses my forehead.

I am now driving back home my and Vinnie talked a bit more before we left and I find out that he has to go back home in a week for school. I got sad when I heard the news but he coming back real soon so I guess it is ok but we are going to facetime almost every day. when I open the door I see a lot of the house members there and trampolines. Thomas turns to me

"what the hell did you all do," I ask

"Trampolines" they all yell

"ok then" I run over and jump on the trampoline and I do a triple flip on it and land it I hear wows from the group. We all had fun that night but it was time to go to bed so I did just that but not without Teaxting Vinnie goodnight.

the next day we all were hanging out at the house. Larry and James came by to hang out and we all had tons of fun.

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