chapter 11

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I am back at the house Thanksgiving was fun but I was stuck there till December because some of my family got covid so I was in quarantine but it is all good now and I am happy to be home.

"Hey guys it's your girl anyway as you know I just got back home....but we are now moving so I have to pack so let's go do that," I say to my camera and I start Taking down my lights. "I am too short for this," I say but I jump and get a hold of them. "Yesss" I finished packing "oh my gosh that was my workout for the day," I say to my vlog "But I remember all of my makeup is in the bathroom and I have to pack all that ugggg" and I go and do that.

Thomas POV:

"ok so I am picking up the new hype house member and there is one person in the house that doesn't know that he is moving in and it is Harley and that is because it is her boyfriend who is  Vinnie hacker and they did keep their relationship hidden but it now public when this video is out so let go get him," I say to my camera I picked him up and we are driving to the house.

"ok so I don't feel like I belong here right now," Vinnie says as he sees the house

"This is Vinnie first time seeing the house and seeing Harley in person for what about 3 to 4 months" I question

"yup we were both busy and she was in quarantine so." we pull up to the house and walk-in I tell Vinnie to go behind me just in case she is downstairs

"ok so we are going to go surprised Harley so let's go," I say the camera I see the rest o the house still working on the puzzle "is Harley in her room," I ask them

"Yes, she is she brought in food so she will not come out you are good" Mia tell me. I walk up the stairs to her and now vinnies room. I see she is watching something on her laptop with Nala

"What do you want Thomas I were to god if you are planning on pranking me I am going to kill you," She says to me but this is what I get for pranking her to much

"no, but I do have something downstairs that I want you to see," I tell her

"ok sure"

"ok let's go" and we walk down I stop her and hand her a blindfold

"no what is it I swear," She says not wanting to put it on

"Trust me" she puts in on and I lead her to the middle of where everyone was "ok you can take it off now" She does

"oh wow it is bright in here," She says and she opens her eye to see Vinnie "haha what is this," She says hugging him

"he is the new member of the hype house," I tell her she smile

"ok I like this but I am mad because everyone knew and I didn't," She says

Time skip and Harley POV:

me and Vinnie are lying in bed watching movies

"So was this the surprise you were talking about," i ask him

"yes it was we all have been thinking of this for a while so," he says I kiss him

"well I love this surprise"

"well I love this surprise"

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user1: aww there cute

user2: nooo Vinnie is gone

Fan:we are so happy for you

We are all in the kitchen. just hanging out Thomas is vlogging and Vinnie is shooting a nerf gun. Alex ends up on the floor with Vinnie but saves his diet coke. Jake is on the floor with a tripod stick like its a gun

"that's not a gun jake," Thomas tells him as we laugh I turn to see Vinnie with a boxing glove on

"ok stumice shot" Vinnie asked micle

"yha lift up your shirt" Micle replies

"hey micle this isn't Ticktock" i say and Vinnie putls his shirt down. micle has the glove on and ready to punch vinnie

"Your benning to much" micles tells him

"no I'm not"

"Stop trying arch is back micle" Thoams tells him. Micle punches vinnie in the gut and he does flinch

"thank you" Vinnie says grabbing the glove. Vinnie goes fro his face as a joke

"oh my" micle says skared and we all laugh but then he really pushed him and you could tell it hurt

I am walking threw the house with Kover when we here screaming like it sounded like porn. we open the door to see alex vinnie and Michael and alex has the vr on his head.

"what the fuck" i say confused on what going on

"its not what it sounds like" Alex says to us

its Conners birthday and Thaoms got him a pugg me Kover and Mia are in his room with it when they boys are bring him in

"3,2,1" and they pulled the hood up so he could see. he is so happy.

"smells like shit" he tells us we all laugh

"it fits corner so well"michle says tot eh camera.

Vinnie is gaming on the computer while I am editing my vlog when Michel, Thomas, Mia walk in with a cat.

"oh yoo yall got a cat in a box"he says he sits next to me and the lets the cat out of the creat. and let her room around. "I am going to giver all the boxes in the world"

"vin I don't think that possible" i tell him he looks at me

"I'll make it happen, oh no where she go" he says. we found her in the bathroom

"vinnie has been here for two days and the room is already red." Michael says "classic vinnie"

"no i just have to put my darktaprsee up on the wall" vinnie tells them Thomas looks at me

"he's not kidding is he" he asked I shake my head no

"there in the closet and there really dark" I tell him

"I saw them there creepy"Michael says thomas turns to him

"your were in there closet" Thomas asked

"why were you in our closet" I ask him he just shakes his head.

I am in our room with the cats when I hear screaming I get out to see them all jumping off the belony to the new love sacks.

"Harley do it you wont" I hear Michael say so I proved him wrong and did it and I almost hit my head

"ok that was scary" I say getting up

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