chapter 15

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everyone is chilling in the kitchen and Kover Bought the famous Tiktok leggings and Michel put them on. Harley is eating some chip when she hears a big slap and It was Vinnie slapping Michlies ass she just stares at her boyfriend when he comes up and eats some of her chips

"Vinnie how does you man's cake look" They both just look over when Thomas says that Mia slaps his ass and he screams

"I am not wearing any underwear so there is propble shit stans in theses" Michel tell them Harley makes a disgusted look on her face.

"this goes to the death of my penis," Vinnie says showing a bent spoon

"Harley would know hey is he telling the truth" Mia says they look at her

"I am not answering that" She says as she walks away as they all laugh

Most of the boys were outside and Harley was there to and the reason is because Alex has to much money to spend and brought a half pipe. And the people who know how to skate are out skate it on it.

"Alex I dont know ho you land your trick everywhere I go"  Michael tells Alex as Alex's goes back and forth on it. Michael went and did not end up getting the trick but he did a good job and now vinnie is up next. And he almost landed

"You ere so close" Harley tells vinnie as she puts a hand on his shoulder he nods

"I want you to go you havent skated in a while" He tells her she nods

"Ok I am going to go" Harley tells everyone

"I dont think i have ever seen Harley skate before " Michael says to Thomas As they look at her doing a kickflip

"Really" He asked and he nods she finished and landed all of them too vinnie kissed her head and told er good job

"Harley how long have you been skateing" Michael asked her she thinks for a second

"I started since I was thirteen i would ride around my block and to school and doing that I had to learn never skate when it is snowing and they haven't iced the roads" She says with a little laugh

"Is that how you broke one of you bones" Vinnie asked her she smiles

"Up seven am ER trips you could just see the bone blood everywhere" she effiseds

"Ok ok you can stop now" Thomas says She looks at al the boys making disused aces

"You big baby's" She says

They all went to Tanners house t watch the game and Harley was getting some cloaths with Mia and Kover

"So how is You and vinnie" Mia asked her Harley smiled

"Good really good"She tells her "How are Alex and Thomas" She asked both of the girls

"good" They both replied

"Harley not to get into personal topics but what ever happened with your old boyfriend I meet him before we moved" Kover asked her Harley looked down

"Um it fine me and him were not agreeing much on a lot an with him cheating and.....not letting me do a hole lot" She tells them with tears forming In her eyes

"Sorry for asking" Kover tells her Harley shakes her head

"No it fine i am better so" she tells them and she look over at her amazing boyfriend laughing and smiling with his friends.

"Does he know" Mia asked

"No I dont what him to think lowly of me I know he wont but I will tell him soon" I tell them and they nod 

Harly is lying in my bed when Thomas and Micle walk in 

"I am handcuffing your boyfriend to micle" He tells her 

"hahaa he is going to hate it...can I help" they nod they all go downstairs and see vinnie Harlye go to him 

"Hi Beab," He says to her she smile and grab his rist his smile drops when he sees michle walk towards him "No come on you helping them" He says she put a tight hold on his writs and put the handcuff on him he puts his head down but she grab it and kiss him 

"you'll live"she tell him tapping his cheack

They are chasing Kover around because she has the key well Vinnie is and Mihle is being draged Harley is just laughing her ass off because of how they are acting. When they finnly got out She goes to vinnie and puts her arm around his neck 

"did you enjoy your time" She trys to say without laughing 

"you are a trater" he tells her but she just smiles and kisses him 

Kover is giving Vinnie a tattoo and harley is helping

"this is not safe i am not a perfeshonal" She tells thomas Harly looks at her 

"but kover look at the amazing job you did on my back" Halrey says lifiter her shirt a bit 

"yes But i am not a perfeshion but i did do a good job" 

Vinnie wanted a more on his and Harleys wall she said fine but she wanted to be in it so they came to a conclusion they are standing together vinnie is hold michles head in one hand and Harly in the other and most of her body is covered by him. 

(just imajon Vinnie muiler in the room but with a girl on his side with her hand on his chest)

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