Chapter 1

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Looking in the mirror, I brush down my black hair before I exit the car. Being in a rush to meet Sienna, my cousin and best friend, is no reason that I shouldn't look presentable for my first day of class. I paired a blue crop top with faded jeans to match the blue in my eyes. They have flecks of green around the iris, which people say sometimes matches the ocean water near our home on the Emerald Coast. Northwest Florida has some beautiful beaches, that's for sure. You'd think I'd tire of them after living here for my entire 18 years of existence -but I haven't - not yet at least.

Sienna and I decided to enroll in a university close to home after high school. I am taking pre-medicine courses to help me improve my powers of energy healing. Listening to my mom talk about her first experiences using this power, convinced me that I need to learn as much about the human body as I could, so I could be effective. My oldest brother, Asher, is also considered a 'healer' and has completed these exact same courses. Who's to argue with success?

Running to my first class of the day, I catch the most amazing scent, creamed coffee with a hint of chocolate. Ignoring that I am going in the opposite direction of my class, I follow the scent to the nearby sitting area for students.

Noticing that there was only one guy sitting there, I approached the guy with a mess of sandy blonde curls and tap him on the shoulder. I am met with the familiar deep blue eyes of my childhood crush, Isaiah Newport.

"Zay?" I question, although my wolf is hollering Mate.

"Eva?" He replies with amazement in his eyes, shocked that I am standing in front of him - I suppose.

We start to hug, and the sparks that I hear so much about flew between us. All we could do is stand there and stare at each other, and I certainly couldn't help but stare at his body. Even with a t-shirt on, it clung to him so I could see well defined muscles underneath those clothes. The sight of this only made my wolf purr in delight. Not daring to move from our spot, unsure if this is really happening. How lucky am I to have my childhood crush actually be my mate.

We end up holding hands and catching up on what has been going on for the last six years. It feels like he is holding something back, but I don't know what. The only thing my intuition tells me is whatever it is - it's not good.

After hours of talking, I figure it is time to head home — no reason to worry my parents. I have plenty of time to catch up with Isaiah. Once I got home, I go to my room and think dreamily about Isaiah and I being mates. I still can't believe how the fates work. It seems like ages ago Isaiah and I were playing together.


I was playing on the playground with my siblings on the playground. My childhood friends were there including Isaiah Newport, the boy I was always drawn to. He always seemed concerned about my safety. I was maybe 7 at the time.

"Higher Zay!" I scream.

"Any higher Eva and you might fall out of the swing." He cautions.

"But you'll be there to catch me!" I squeal, as he pushes me higher.

"Always." He replies confidently.

Then I remembered the time when I was 12. The Gray's were going to hang at the beach, and of course, Isaiah tagged along - as always. We all played in the ocean, splashing and enjoying the steady rhythm of the waves. We all got out and dried off, and Isaiah and I went for a walk. It was the first guy I held hands with and we walked to the nearby pier. Standing under the pier, we talked about everything as we watched the sun set. We turned to head back when Isaiah stopped abruptly and pulled me around to face him. He leaned in and kissed me after staring at me for a little while. We broke away and Isaiah had this cute blush on his cheeks. My first kiss.

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