Chapter 17

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It's officially been a month since I first arrived at Blackrose, and my last training session while I'm visiting was today, and it was rather bittersweet. Since it is the weekend, it is late in the afternoon when I get back to the pack house. Coming through the door, someone grabs my shoulder, and they are immediately pinned to the wall.

"Really JD? Haven't you learned your lesson by now?"

"Maybe I enjoy pain." He chuckles, and I raise an eyebrow to this. "But seriously, come to the front room."

"Why?" but he doesn't answer just gives me that genuine smile that melts my resolve every time. "Fine." I huff out.

Opening the door, I am greeted by what seems like endless yells of "Surprise". Even if I hate surprises, this one makes me cry. These people care enough about me and Sienna to want to throw a party for us. Saying my goodbyes couldn't be made easier and sadder. It looked like it was going to be another movie night, but the snacks look amazing. There is even a whole dessert section with my favorites like NY-style cheesecake, snickerdoodles and lemon cupcakes - surely all courtesy of Julian.

"Julian went out of his way." I whisper to Scarlett.

"He bakes when he gets too emotional sometimes. Plus he knows what you like."

"I guess he does - doesn't he." I smile.

"We're having lasagna tonight for dinner." She chimes.

"If Julian left, you'd not only lose your Beta but a damn good chef." I praise.

"Don't I know it, I probably wouldn't eat half as good, or as much, if he didn't cook meals." She chuckles while shaking her head, then walks over to where Phoebe and Brazil are standing to strike up a conversation. But her space is quickly filled with both Mariah and Juniper, the red heads arm curled around her mates waist.

"I just wanted to officially thank you for helping Juniper connect with her wolf, and feel the mate bond." Mariah says appreciatively, her eyes going to Junipers face...which reddens under the attention.

"You're welcome...though I wish I could've helped you with shifting too..." I trail off, and Juniper shakes her head.

"It's and Mariah are going to work on it some well as talk to my mom about dad..." She smiles, still slightly hesitant about the last part, but I can see the determination now too...which makes me proud.

Not long after the talk with Mariah and Juniper, dinner is called and we all hurry in - tonight just the 10 - wait 11 - of us eat together - for the last time this trip. Lasagna, garlic bread, and salad are set up family style, and each dish is passed around the table. Waiting eagerly for everyone else to finish dishing out their food, I look across and smile at Julian. He really does care so much for me - for everyone in this pack. "Thank you." I mouth to him, which earns me that beautiful smile. Everyone toasts to Sienna and I, and I toast to the delicious meal and the nurturing Beta who cooked it and the desserts. He will make me fat one day if I stay.

"How about we watch The Conjuring everyone." I announce.

"Or Pet Cemetery." Scarlett continues, but we both chuckle. From the corner of my eye I can see Julian scowling at us, no doubt he doesn't like the options.

"I'm not really feeling scary tonight, how about comedy?. We are thinking about Night At The Museum with Ben Stiller, Rush Hour with Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan or Diary of a Mad Black Woman."

We hear all three being shouted, but Night At The Museum seems to get the most votes.

Before we can start the movie, I approach Romain.

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