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BOGEY, a short Future MBA in a tux, greets his guests like a pro, handing out cigars and martinis.

BOGEY: Nice to see you. Martini bar to the right, shots in the kitchen.

The house is filled to capacity with Padua High's finest. Louis  pushes through the crowd. Harry saunters in behind him.


Stan lines up a row of shots amid much whooping and  hollering within the jock crowd.
Louis enters, then quickly tries to make an about face. Stan sees him and rushes over to block him, standing in the doorway.

STAN:  Lookin' fresh tonight, BooBear.

Louis gives him a death look and then stops and points at his forehead.

LOUIS:  Wait -- was that?-- Did your hairline just recede?

Stan panics, whipping out a handy pocket mirror. Louis already walking away.

STAN: Where ya goin?

LOUIS:  Away.

STAN:  Your brother here?

Louis' face shows utter hatred.

LOUIS:  Leave my brother alone.

STAN:  (smirking) And why would I do that?

A RUCKUS sounds from the next room.

STAN:   A fight!

The other jocks rush to watch as two Coffee Kids splash
their cupfuls on each other.

COFFEE KID #1:  That was a New Guinea Peaberry, you Folger's-crystals-slurping-buttwipe.

Caffeinated fists fly. Stan slithers away from the door to watch, giving Louis one last smirk, just as Zayn walks into  the kitchen.

STAN:  Just who I was looking for.

He puts his arm around Zayn and escorts him out.
Zayn keeps walking, ignoring Louis.

A GUY pouring shots hands Louis one and he downs it and accepts another.

GUY:  Drink up, brother.

Harry walks up.

HARRY:  What's this?

LOUIS:  (mocking) "I'm getting trashed, man." Isn't that  what you're supposed to do at a party?

HARRY:  I say, do what you wanna do.

LOUIS:  Funny, you're the only one.
he downs another.


Liam and Niall enter. LIAM looks, around for his beloved, while Niall schmoozee with all in attendance and dishes dirt simultaneously.

NIALL:  (high-fiving a jock) Moose, my man! (to Cameron) Ranked fifth in the state. Recruiters have already started calling.

Liam nods intently.

NIALL:  (continuing; grabbing his belt) Yo, Clem. (to Cameron) A Patsy Cline fan, but hates the new Leanne Rimes. (with a Jamaican swagger) Ziggy, peace, bra. (to Cameron) Prefers a water pipe, but has been known to use a bong.

Niall spots Zayn and James, watching the skirmish, and points Liam's body in his direction.

NIALL:  (continuing) Follow the love, man.

Zayn cranes his  neck.

ZAYN:  Where did he go? He was just here.

JAMES:  Who?

ZAYN: Stan.

Liam walks over.

LIAM:  Evening, Boies.

Zayn turns and graces him with a pained smile.

ZAYN:  Hi.

LIAM: looks like things worked out tonight, huh?

Zayn ignores the question and tries to pawn him off.

ZAYN:  You know James?

LIAM:  I believe we share an art instructor.

JAMES:  Great

ZAYN:  Would you mind getting me a drink, Liam?

LIAM:  Certainly Pabst? Old Milwaukee? RaiJieer?

Zayn gives him a tense smile.

ZAYN:  Surprise me.

Liam heads for the kitchen. Stan walks up and grabs Zayn
around the waist.

He giggles as he picks him up and carries him off -- just  as Liam returns, a beer -- complete with a napkin and  straw -- in his hand.
James glares with a jealous fury after Zayn and Stan, then gives Liam the once-over and walks away.
Niall appears.

NIALL:  Extremely unfortunate maneuver.

LIAM:  The hell is that? What kind of 'guy just picks up a someone and carries themm away while you're talking to them?

NIALL:  Buttholus extremus. But hey, you're making progress.

LIAM:  No, I'm not.

He smacks himself in the head.

LIAM: (continuing) he used me! he wants to go out with Dorsey. Not me. I'm an idiot!

Niall pats him on the shoulder.

NIALL:  At least you're self-aware.

Have a nice day/night.

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