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Louis and Louise walk toward Louis' car. Stan pulls up beside his in his Viper.

STAN: The vintage look is over, Lewis. Haven't you been reading your sassy?

LOUIS: Yeah, and I noticed the only part of you featured in your big Kmart spread was your elbow. Tough break.

STAN: (practically spitting) They're running the rest of me next month.

He zooms away as Louise yanks open the door of his Dart. Louise ties a silk scarf around her head, as if they're in a convertible.

LOUIS: The people at this school are so incredibly foul.

LOUISE: You could always go with me. I'm sure William has some friends.

They watch Stan's car as he slows next to Zayn and James as they walk towards the school bus.


STAN: Need a ride, boys?

Zayn and James can't get in Stan's car fast enough. He pulls away with a smile.


Louise lowers her sunglasses.

LOUISE: That's a charming new development.

Louis doesn't answer, but reaches over and puts a tape in the tape desk. The sound of JOYFUL PUNK ROCK fill the car.
As they pull out, Niall crosses in front of them on his moped. Louis has to SLAM the breaks to keep from hitting him.

LOUIS: (yelling) Remove head from sphincter! Then pedal!

Niall begins fearfully, pedaling as Louis PEELS out, angry at delay.
Liam rushes over.

LIAM: You all right?
He slows to a stop.

NIALL:  Yeah, just a minor encounter with the shrew.

LIAM: That's him? Zayn's brother?

NIALL: The mewling, rampalian wretch himself.

Niall putters off, leaving Liam dodging Harry's grimy, grey Jeep -- a vehicle several years and many paint jobs away from its formal glory as a REGULATION MAIL TRUCK -- as he sideswipes several cars on his way out of the lot.


YASER MALIK, attractive and focused, sits in front of his computer, typing quickly. A shelf next to him holds several bodice-ripper romance novels, bearing his name.
Louis stands behind him, reading over his shoulder as he types.

LOUIS: "Undulating with desire, Adrienne removes her crimson cape, revealing her creamy --"

JAY  TOMLINSON, a blustery, mad scientist-type obstetrician, enters through the front door, wearing a doctor's white jacket and carrying her black bag.

JAY:  I am gonna have dinner fast because i only have ten minutes before Mrs. Johnson squirts out a screamer.

She grabs the mail and rifles through it, as she bends down to kiss Yaser on the cheek.

YASER:  In the microwave.

JAY: (to Louis) Make anyone cry today?

LOUIS: Sadly, no. But it's only four-thirty.
Zayn walks in.

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