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 Liam and Niall flank Harry at his lab table.

NIALL:  So you got cozy with he who stings?

HARRY:  No - I've got a sweet-payin' job that I'm about to lose.

LIAM:  What'd you do to him?

HARRY:  I don ' t know. (beat) I decided not to nail him when he was too drunk to remember it.

Niall and Liam look at each other in realization, then turn back to Harry.

LIAM:  You realize this puts the whole operation in peril.

HARRY:  No shit. he won't even look at me.

LIAM: Why can't you just tell him you're sorry?

Harry's expression says that this is not a possibility. Niall makes a time out sign with his hands.

NIALL:  I'm on it


Louise is at her locker. Drawings of William Shakespeare adorn the door. She looks at them with a sigh, then ties her silk scarf tightly around her neck, in an attempt to cut off her air supply.

Niall walks up.

NIALL:  Hey there. Tired of breathing?

LOUISE:  (shyly, as she loosens the scarf) Hi.

NIALL:  Cool pictures. You a fan?

LOUISE:  Yeah. I guess.

NIALL rocks. Very hip.

LOUISE:  You think?

NIALL:  Oh yeah.

She looks at him suspiciously.

LOUISE:  Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart, courage to make ' B love known?

Niall thinks for a minute.

NIALL:  Macbeth, right?

LOUISE:  (happily stunned) Right.

NIALL:  Louis a fan, too?

LOUISE:  (puzzled) Yeah...

He leans in close to her, conspiratorially

NIALL:  So, listen... I have this friend


Liam sits next to Harry on the bleachers as they watch Louis' practice.

LIAM: he hates you with the fire of a thousand suns . That's a direct quote.

HARRY:  he just needs time to cool off I'll give it a day.

A PUCK flies at them from the field, narrowly missing their heads.

HARRY:  (continuing) Maybe two.

He looks at Liam.

HARRY:  (continuing) You makin' any headway?

LIAM:  he kissed me.

HARRY:  (eyebrow raised) Where?


James rounds the corner and bends down to get a drink from the water fountain.

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