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It's a peaceful day in the town of Dothan. The town people are preparing for the festival.

At the festival, the gatekeeper was selling tickets for the festival, then saw a boy standing by the gate.

Gatekeeper: What's your name, boy?

The boy: I'm Antonio

Gatekeeper: Why aren't you enjoying the festival?

Antonio: Just getting some fresh air, besides, I don't have a ticket to get inside. You wouldn't have an extra ticket, would you?

Gatekeeper: I actually do

Antonio's eyes widen in shock... really, how?

Gatekeeper: it's the first week of the festival, and I have some spare tickets

Antonio: Oh, okay

The gatekeeper gives the ticket to Antonio

Gatekeeper: You have a nice day!

Antonio smiles and nods

The gates open as Antonio enters the festival

Antonio walks around the festival, happily enjoying the scene

Antonio: This isn't so bad, totally worth it.


Antonio: Can't miss that

Antonio walks around but bumps into a group of men with black leather jackets

Antonio: Sorry about that, fellas!

The men turn around and look in anger

Man 1 says angerly: watch where you're going!

Man 2: Leave him be, we gotta focus on the plan, man.

Man 1: All right, let's go.

The men walk off towards the concert.

Antonio angerly says as he stands up: jerks...onto the concert, I guess

At the concert:

Antonio: about time.

Antonio looks around to see all the seats are nearly taken.

Antonio says angerly: dang, guess I'm standing

The curtain opens up with the announcer on stage

Announcer: Thank you all for coming. Today, we have some songs to play for you folks.

As the crowd's cheering: Antonio looks around to see the men from earlier, heading towards backstage carrying something big

Antonio: it's those guys from earlier.

Antonio thinks to himself: probably carrying a big instrument


Man 1: Okay, man, get this thing ready.

Man 2: Are you sure he's here, man?

Man 1: yea

Man 3: But in case he's not here, we go to plan B

The men agree

The men set the item that appears to be a bomb and a blueprint discussing the plan.

Man 1: Ok, take this (hands him the trigger to the bomb) and set it under 2 minutes

Man 2: Ok, got it.

Man 3. Everything set fellas

Man 1 and 2: yea!!!

Man 3: Good, let's crash this party and find Antonio

Back on stage

The crowd cheers, jumping up and down, and Antonio vibes to the song being sung.

Antonio: This isn't so bad.

As the songs were finished, the announcer hopped back on stage.

Announcer. Thank you all for listening to these fine songs being performed. Now, before the last song, I'd like to...

The announcer gets cut off by an explosion that blew up the whole stage.

Man 1: we found him boys (referring to Antonio)

The crowds run in fear as more explosions occur.

Antonio runs behind some cover of the debree from the blast.

Antonio: "You gotta be kidding me. He says, looking for an exit

Antonio: THERE IT IS!!! He yells as he runs to the exit and is cut off by the bomb that blew him backward.

Antonio: How am I not dead by that?

He tries to get up but is shot at by the men on stage.

Men 2: Finally, now we can get paid, right?

Men 3: Not yet stupid. We have to deliver his body

The men shoot towards Antonio again

Antonio tries to move out the way but can't due to all the people running.

As the bullets reach Antonio, a big figure appears and blocks him from being shot.

The man turns around and looks at Antonio with a smile.

The man: I'm glad we found you in time.

Antonio looks up, shocked

Antonio asks curiously: "Who are you, and how'd you do that?"

The man: no time for that right now, he says as he faces towards the shooters.

The three men load up their guns with high explosive power.

Antonio: WATCH OUT THEY ABOUT TO FIRE AGAIN, "he yells out.

The three men aim at the man: TAKE THIS PUNK, they all yelled in sync

The man then raises his hand up towards them

The man: Sorry, not sorry

The man snapped his hand as the men's guns blew up, blasting them back towards the stage room

The man: that take care of that now come on let get out

Antonio: Hold on, a min...

He says as he is cut off by the man.

The man: no time, let's go

Outside the festival.

The man: okay here a safe spot to call the others

Antonio: Wait...others, I don't see any cars

The man: There's no car, my rides up there, as he points to the sky

Antonio: I only see Stars, man

The man: Just watch

The man yells: IM READY!!!!

Antonio: uhh what are you doing?

The man: Look up

Antonio looks up to see a giant spaceship in the air

Antonio: What the heck is this?

The ship lands as its doors open with a ramp towards the ground

Antonio: This is so cool!!!

When the doors fully open, a woman appears

The woman: Well done, Jago, bring him aboard

Jago: Sure, let's go, bro

Antonio: I'm getting on the ship?

Jago: yea we'll tell you why on the ship

Jago and Antonio climb aboard the ship as it flies off to space

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