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(Back at the Revelationals ship)

Jace: wow our first ever space mission.

Sebastin: I know right, think we can do this.

Fate: well if yall can't do this, those families could die.

Sebastin: Right Right.

Antonio: Nora try to relax, I'm sure whatever these guys did to you, we can pay it back tenfold.

Nora: sooner the better I guess

Antonio says curiously: uh so Nora

Antonio: what did these space pirates do that ruin your family.

Nora eyes widen as she hears the question.

Antonio: I mean I understand if u don't want to tell the story right now.

Nora stands up and clenched her fists.

Nora: I'll tell you later, I'm going to the restroom.

Nora walks towards the back of the ship.

Tristan: wait she an android right, how is she capable of using a restroom.

Fate: she android but with human parts below her waist that still function really well.

Antonio: wait so u mean that.

Fate: she was originally a human.

Antonio, Jace, Sebastin and Tristan eyes widen as they heard fate words

Antonio: When we arrived we have stop them from hurting those Norma people.

Fate: that was already the plan,

Mave: we almost there so hold in the battle energy for when we get there.

Jago: never fought space pirates before but I dont think we'll have to worry about bearded swords men.

Sebastin: don't they have a power meant to fight and kill celestials.

Jago: I'm still sure we can handle them.

The command room doors opens as Nora walks in the room.

Nora: how long until we get there Mave.

Mave: just arrived.

The group looks towards the window to see a Light blue Planet


Nora: The people of Planet Norma are the only humans in the comso who doesn't have any special powers, so we created nanotech to give of us a bit of a chance to fight and defend ourselves.

Nora: however not many people of planet Norma knows how to use nanotech.

Sebastin: another reason why we gonna go protect them.

Mave: Get ready team it may be a hard landing once we enter the planet atmosphere.

Revelationals says simultaneously: RIGHT!!!.

The ship blast further towards planet Norma.

( On Planet Norma in the central city )

Pirate 1: Ooh yea, this is great guys.

Pirate 2: I agree, imagine the big rewards the black dragons will pay us with for this job.

The pirates continues attacking the town people.

Townsfolk 1: WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!!


As the pirates attack the civilians, one pirate notices a woman wearing a white lab coat and fires towards her knocking her down.

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