06 - Stargazing

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"And the reason why we have so many constellations is that people, mainly farmers because most people were farmers back then, would use the shapes in the sky as calendars.

"Stats don't move, which makes the constellations consistent and makes it able for people to be absolutely certain when to plant certain crops. This was vital too, survival because if they planted crops too early or too late, it could spell disaster.

"I also think that it's interesting that in ancient times that only forty-eight constellations were recognized by Greek astronomer Ptolemy but we added forty more in the early 1920s.

"I think my favorite constellation is Pavo, which is peacock in Latin. It was first recognized in 1598 in Amsterdam. I'm sure you remember that, mweh-heh!

"What's your favorite Nightmare?"

"Hm? What?"

Blue sat up, aghast, "Were you even listening to me?!"

Nightmare grabbed Blue's shoulder and pushed him down back onto the ground of the space rock they were on.

"Sure I was," Nightmare murmured, brushing Blue's bangs out of his face.

"You're a liar! What question did I ask you?"

Nightmare rolled his eyes, "I don't think I have a favorite. Why would I pick one of those as my favorite, so big and so limitless...I don't want anything I can't fit into the palm of my hand."

Nightmare grabbed Blue's cheeks, caressing his face with his thumb, "Besides, why would I want one of those when I have the prettiest star out there, right in my grasp?"

Blue shoved Nightmare away, cheeks flushed.

"Seriously though, what's your favorite?"

"Seriously, I don't have one."

"Really?! Not one catches your eye?"

Nightmare opened his mouth to speak, but Blue cut him off, "That isn't me!"

"I don't like a specific constellation because all of them make up the sky. You cannot choose a favorite piece of a puzzle, you enjoy the final image itself."

Nightmare stared up into Outertale's sky, looking at the galaxy in all its entirety.

"That's such a poetic way of thinking about it."

"Thank you."

Nightmare sat up and yanked Blue into his lap. Blue yelped, his face shoved into Nightmare's chest.

Nightmare pressed a kiss to Blue's head, allowing him to look up at the sky.

"Am I really your favorite star?"

Nightmare groaned, rolling his eyes. He wasn't one for sappiness.

"I suppose there isn't a competition."


oh YEAH i am pumping through these


408 Words

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